The anime series “Chained Soldier” (Mato Seihei no Slave), based on the manga by Takahiro and Youhei Takemura, has generated great expectation among fans who are eagerly awaiting its premiere. This enthusiasm has been fueled by the recent presentation of the franchise at Jump Festa 2024, where a stunning promotional video was unveiled.
In addition, the promotional video allows fans of the franchise the opportunity to enjoy an early sample of the series’ opening theme song.
Chained Soldier prepares for release with new trailer
The Chained Soldier anime will feature prominent performances for its opening and closing themes. The opening theme, titled “Yume no Ito” (String of Dreams), will be performed by talented voice actress Akari Kito, who will play the character Kyouka Uzen in the series. On the other hand, the closing theme will be titled CHA∞IN and will be performed by voice actress Maaya Uchida, known for her role as Tenka Izumo in the same production.
Recall that the series is scheduled to premiere in Japan next January 4, 2024 and the animation studio Seven Arcs is in charge of its production.
The Chained Soldier anime features the following production team: Junji Nishimura will lead the project as the anime’s chief director, bringing his experience and creative vision, and Goro Kuji will take over the direction of the anime.
Yasuhiro Nakanishi will play a crucial role in charge of the anime’s composition. Hiroyuki Yoshii will take the reins of the anime’s character design. Ryota Kano and Akira Kendaichi will share their creativity as screenwriters of the anime.
Voice Cast Members:
- Akari Kitou As Kyouka Uzen
- Yuuya Hirose As Yuuki Wakura
- Yume Miyamoto As Azuma Himari
- Mari Hino As Shushu Suruga
- Hina Tachibana As Nei Ookawamura
- Maaya Uchida As Tenka izumo
- Tomori Kusunoki As Aoba Wakura
- Nene Hieda As Yachiho Azuma
- Rina Hidaka As Naon Yuno
- Reina Ueda As Sahara Wakasa
“Chained Soldier” plunges us into a Japan beset by the appearance of portals to the parallel dimension known as “Mato”. In this scenario, an enigmatic resource called “Peaches” emerges, which grants exceptional abilities exclusively to women. However, along with this new power, the fearsome “Yomotsu Shuuki” emerge, monsters responsible for devastating disasters.
Faced with this threat, the government establishes the exclusive “Anti-Demon Corps”, an elite unit composed of women gifted with the gift of Peaches. In this context, Yuuki Wakura, an ordinary high school student, finds himself immersed in this dazzling and dangerous world when he gets lost in a Mato portal.
His fate becomes intertwined with that of Kyouka Uzen, leader of the Seventh Unit of the Anti-Demon Corps. Recognizing the latent potential in Yuuki and the need for his collaboration to enhance the power of the Peaches, he presents him with a unique proposal: join the corps as his “slave”. This alliance promises to take Yuuki down an unexpected path, filled with challenges and revelations that could prove more rewarding than he could have ever imagined.
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