The anime adaptation of Bocchi the Rock!, based on the manga created by Hamaji Aki, was a huge success, becoming quite popular within the otaku community, and fans are currently waiting for the release of its two-part compilation movie. While these dates are arriving, fans of the franchise have been receiving good news such as Bocchi the Rock! collaborations with other brands, which brings them new products, information and images of this story.
On this occasion, Bocchi the Rock! fans in Japan were pleasantly surprised to receive the news that there will be a national tour of Kessoku Band in some cities of this country. In this article we will share with you all the details about this news, so we invite you to continue reading.
Bocchi the Rock!’s Kessoku Band to Tour Japan
On May 4, at the outdoor festival “JAPAN JAM 2024”, it was announced that Bocchi the Rock! will tour five cities in Japan, starting on September 8, 2024, and will visit Osaka, Hokkaido, Tokyo, Aichi and Fukuoka. The tour will be called “Kessoku Band ZEPP TOUR 2024 “We will””, the artists in charge of playing the characters of this popular anime are: Yoshino Aoyama who will play the role of Hitori Goto, Sayumi Suzushiro as Nijika Ijichi, Saku Mizuno as Ryo Yamada and Ikumi Hasegawa giving life to Ikuyo Kita.
There is no detailed information on ticket sales yet, so fans have been asked to stay tuned for updates. However, we do have details on the venues and dates that this band will be performing in the respective cities, which will be as follows:
- Osaka Bayside in Osaka on Sept. 8
- Sapporo in Hokkaido on October 19
- Haneda (TOKYO) in Tokyo on November 3
- Nagoya in Aichi on 24
- Fukuoka on December 22nd at Zepp Fukuoka
Fans of Bocchi the Rock! were very enthusiastic about this news and expressed their excitement with comments such as, “I really want to go to this!”, “Yes! Awesome! I want to go to this!”. However, other users, although they were happy about the possibility of attending this event, made their concern notorious because they think that getting tickets for the concerts will not be an easy task, as indicated by these users on the Internet: “I want to go, but the competition for tickets seems to be fierce”, “It seems difficult to get a ticket, but I would like to apply for the lottery”.
In 2023 we were announced the two movies of this franchise, the first one titled BOCCHI THE ROCK! Re: is scheduled to be released in spring 2024, and the second part titled BOCCHI THE ROCK! Re:Re: will be released in Japan during the summer of the same year. So the release date for both films is closer than it seems, which has kept the excitement of fans of this series at an all-time high.
If you still don’t know what Bocchi the Rock! is about, here’s a girl named Hitori Gotoh, who started playing guitar when she was in high school and dreams of joining a band, because she thinks it would help someone like her who is very shy to shine. However, being so introverted she has not been able to make friends, so she ends up playing on her own for several hours each day. By high school she still hadn’t managed to form a band, make let alone make friends, so just as she was about to give up, the drummer of Kessoku Band approaches her, which completely changes her daily life.
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