In the official media dedicated to the anime adaptation of the light novel “Koi wa Futago de Warikirenai“, an exciting news for the public has been revealed and it was confirmed that the series is scheduled to premiere in Japan during the month of July 2024, being the animation studio ROLL2 responsible for its production.
As a complement to this announcement, the first promotional video of the anime has been released. This preview gives viewers a small taste of what to expect when immersed in this intriguing series.
Warikirenai’s Koi wa Futago to be released in July 2024
But that’s not all, as the official website of the TV anime “Koi wa Furago de Warikirenai” has introduced the main members of the voice cast: Shogo Sakata as Jun Shirosaki, Moeha Nochimoto as Rumi Jinguji, Maaya Uchida as Naori Jinguuji.
Additionally, a new visual image starring twin sisters Rumi and Naori Jinguji has also been unveiled.
The light novel “Koi wa Futago de Warikirenai” began publication in May 2021 under the imprint of the prestigious “Dengeki Bunko” imprint of ASCII Media Works. The author of this literary work is Takamura Shion, while the illustrations are by Almic. To date, ASCII Media Works has released a total of five volumes.
In parallel to the light novel, “Koi wa Futago de Warikirenai” has undergone expansion through the manga format. The manga adaptation, with illustrations by Okari, began serialization in April 2022.
It is important to note that the official announcement of the anime adaptation of this light novel took place during the special event “Dengeki Bunko 30th Summer Festival Online 2023” in July this year.
“Koi wa Futago de Warikirenai” introduces us to Jun, a young protagonist who finds himself entangled in an unexpected love triangle with two twin girls who are his childhood friends and close neighbors. Rumi, the older sister, may deceive at first glance with her childish appearance, but her personality unfolds as that of a loving and protective maiden. On the other hand, Naori, the younger sister, stands out for her radiant femininity and passionate devotion to otaku culture.
The story promises to explore the challenges and complex emotions that arise in Jun’s heart as she struggles to discover her true feelings and maintain the stability of her friendship with these very special sisters.
©2023 高村資本/KADOKAWA/ふたきれ製作委員会
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