The acclaimed series Urusei Yatsura, which has charmed generations with its iconic characters, recently found its way back to the spotlight with the premiere of a remake that has sparked controversy.
¡Urusei Yatsura sufrió un plagio!
K-Pop star Jeon Somi has been caught in a whirlwind of criticism and debate on social media after the release of the music video “Fast Forward”, where an illustration on the cover caught the eye for its resemblance to Lum, the charismatic heroine of Urusei Yatsura.
Jeon Somi is known for her cultural diversity, being the daughter of a South Korean mother and a Canadian father, but this time it is her artistic diversity that has made headlines. Fans of Urusei Yatsura, especially in South Korea where the series has a large fan base, quickly noticed and pointed out the clear similarities.
The discussion about whether the inclusion of the character similar to Lum was a well-intentioned tribute or an act of plagiarism has taken over the networks and discussion forums, creating an atmosphere full of speculation and contrasting opinions. Some think it could have been a simple coincidence or a loving nod to the iconic series, while others see it as a disrespect and a clear usurpation of a distinctive design.
Facing the avalanche of responses and the intense public criticism, Jeon Somi’s agency, THEBLACKLABEL, had no choice but to address the issue through a statement, where they acknowledged the similarities and promised a more considerate approach in the future, showing the industry’s concern for maintaining artistic integrity and avoiding potential lawsuits.
In response to the controversy, the music video was quickly modified, removing all scenes that referenced the character Lum, a measure that reflects the agency’s commitment to deal with the situation seriously.
Urusei Yatsura shows us Earth is on the verge of an alien invasion by the Oni race, but a chance of salvation is offered when Ataru Moroboshi is chosen to compete against the Oni princess, Lamu. To win, Ataru must touch Lamu’s horns, which he achieves by distracting her by taking off her bikini. Although Ataru plans to marry his girlfriend Shinobu, Lamu misunderstands his joy and stays on Earth, believing she will marry him.
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