The official media for the anime adaptation of the light novel “Tsukimichi: Moonlight Fantasy” (Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu) has released an exciting promotional video for the second season of the series, which will be produced by the animation studio “J.C. Staff”. We remember that some time ago it was confirmed that this new installment of the anime is scheduled to premiere in Japan in January 2024.
Tsukimichi: Moonlight Fantasy – Tráiler Oficial
But that’s not all, as the official website of the anime “Tsukimichi: Moonlight Fantasy” also introduced the new members of the voice cast and a new visual image for its second season.
- Ai Kakuma as Hibiki
- Ami Koshimizu as Naval
- Yuji Murai as Woody
- Chiharu Sawashiro as Verda
- Nao Tamura as Chiya
- Ryohei Arai as Tomoki
- Mai Nakahara as Lily
- Sayumi Watabe as Ginebia
- Ami Tsukishiro as Mora
- Natsue Sasamoto as Yukinatsu
Staff Members of Tsukimichi: Moonlight Fantasy:
- Shinji Ishihara returns to his post and will be in charge of the second season of the anime
- Animation studio J.C. Staff to replace C2C and take over production of anime’s second season
- Kenta Ihara returns to his post and will be in charge of composing the second season of the anime
- Yukie Suzuki returns to her position and will be in charge of character designs for the second season of the anime
- Yasuharu Takanashi returns to his position and will be in charge of the anime’s soundtrack composition.
The anime “Tsukimichi: Moonlight Fantasy” plunges us into a fascinating fantasy world, where Makoto Misumi, a young man sent from Earth through an enigmatic pact between his parents and a goddess, faces a surprising revelation: the deity rejects him for his appearance and takes away his title of hero. Instead of being discouraged, Makoto acquires the ability to understand all languages except human, and is thrown into a desolate wasteland, far from civilization.
As he adapts to this new environment, Makoto discovers that he possesses amazing physical and magical abilities that make him a formidable force. On his journey, he encounters demihumans and mythical creatures, who are captivated by his gifts and decide to join him in forging a community where all can live together in peace.
Despite his achievements, Makoto still longs for contact with other humans, a challenging task in a world where the goddess herself forbids him to interact with his own kind. Thus, together with his faithful companions, Makoto sets out on a mission to fulfill his wish and, perhaps, transform society in the process.
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