The Dangers in My Heart

The great Anna Yamada from The Dangers in My Heart does exist in real life.

As has been happening since April 2023 when the anime adaptation of Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu or also known as “The Dangers in My Heart” began, every Saturday delights us with a new episode where we can see the evolution of the love story between the beautiful Anna Yamada and Kyotaro Ichikawa. In this drama we see how these young people become closer and closer and their feelings begin to come to light. Now a video confirms that the cute waifu of this series does exist and is flesh and blood.

Anna Yamada of The Dangers in My Heart surprises with a real-life appearance in this video


This incredible video began circulating on the social network X/Twiiter when it was shared on the account of @ChiseHatoriChad, in less than a day it managed to gather several interactions from users who are amazed by the notorious difference in height between them. This video is about 2 people of Japanese origin, possibly a couple, who are posing and giving each other signs of affection, such as holding hands and hugging.

Thanks to the obvious, i.e. the girl is obviously much taller than the guy, the couple couldn’t help but be compared to Anna Yamada and Kyotaro Ichikawa, main characters of the anime The Dangers in My Heart. The girl is no less than 220 cm tall, while the boy is 160 cm tall, that means there is a difference of 60 cm between them. That’s not the only thing, because there are also differences in size in body parts such as hands and feet, in the video you can also see how this couple compares these limbs and the difference is shocking.

The reason why this couple was automatically related to have resemblance with Anna Yamada and Kyotaro Ichikawa is because between these characters of The Dangers in My Heart there is also that notorious height difference, since Anna Yamada is much taller than Ichikawa. Another factor was her appearance, thanks to the fact that the girl has long black hair and bangs, this makes her even more similar to the waifu from The Dangers in My Heart.


The Dangers in My Heart tells the story of the dark student Kyotaro Ichikawa, who seeks revenge on his popular classmates, specifically on Anna Yamada, the prettiest and most popular girl, considered by her class as an Idol. However, upon discovering that this girl is peculiar in her own way and thanks to the fact that they begin to spend a lot more time together, their feelings begin to change, and their hatred turns into a possible attraction that evolves into love.

Anna Yamada may seem to have a standard design, because she has physical aspects before seen in other anime waifus, such as the typical long black hair, or the big breasts. It is the factor of her notorious height at such a young age, which gives her that cool touch that together with Kyotaro Ichikawa form a nice couple to watch for the audience. It is worth noting that Anna is 172 cm while Ichikawa is 158 cm.

To conclude, this other note also takes up as a main topic the height difference Anna Yamada and Kyotaro Ichikawa, characters of The Dangers in My Heart franchise. Definitely, this anime has been a constant success since its premiere, as it has managed to position itself in the rankings most of the times as anime of the week or as favorite couple of the week. If you haven’t seen it yet what are you waiting for to see the surprises that await us in the evolution of the relationship between Anna Yamada and Kyotaro Ichikawa.

