The anime series based on the manga “Oroka na Tenshi wa Akuma to Odoru” (The Foolish Angel Dances with the Devil) has provided new information to the public regarding its upcoming arrival on television in Japan and confirmed its premiere for January 2024. Additionally, a new visual image for the series has been unveiled, which is centered by the main characters Lily Amane and Masatora Akutsu.
The Foolish Angel Dances with the Devil will be released in January 2024
But that’s not all, as the official website of the anime The Foolish Angel Dances with the Devil has also revealed to the public a new promotional video, which presents a preview of the opening theme song of the series.
The opening will be performed by the group “Taiyou to Odore, Tsukiyo ni Utae” and will be titled “Otowa“. In addition, it has also been confirmed that voice actress Kaori Ishihara will be performing the closing theme song titled “Gift“.
In addition to revealing a new trailer featuring a preview of the series’ opening theme song, the voice cast members for the anime were also introduced.
Voice Cast Members:
- Yuuma Uchida as Masatora Akutsu
- Ayane Sakura as Lily Amane
- Shunichi Toki as Kensuke Hirota
- Rie Kugimiya as Liz
- Nao Toyama as Yuuka Tanahashi
- Shuuichirou Umeda as Yuya Tanigawa
As previously mentioned, the anime series The Foolish Angel Dances with the Devil will be produced by the animation studio Children’s Playground Entertainment. The director and composer of the anime will be Itsuro Kawasaki, who has previously worked on anime such as Mirai Nikki and Psycho-Pass. Character design for the anime will be in the hands of Yuuko Yahiro, who is known for working on anime such as Kaguya-sama: Love is War and Haikyuu!!!. Takurou Iga will be in charge of composing the anime’s soundtrack and ANLA will be in charge of its production.
“The Foolish Angel Dances with the Devil” is a supernatural comedy manga began serialization in Kadokawa Publishing House’s Dengeki Maoh magazine from June 2016. The work is written and illustrated by mangaka Sawayoshi Azuma and Kadokawa Publishing has released 15 compilation volumes in total.
The manga The Foolish Angel Dances with the Devil introduces us to Akutsu Masatora, a cunning and mysterious demon who has managed to infiltrate a high school in the human world. However, his presence in this place is no coincidence, as he has an important mission entrusted to him by Hell: to find ideal candidates to help in the epic battle against his natural enemies, the angels of Heaven.
Everything seems to be going according to plan, until Akutsu is assigned to a seat next to Lily Amane, a student who has recently joined the institution. Fascinated by Lily’s beauty, the demon is caught in an emotional dilemma when he discovers that he has developed feelings for her. Instead of fulfilling his mission without complications, he now finds himself facing an internal conflict between his duty and his heart.
But the plot becomes even more enigmatic when he discovers that Lily is hiding surprising secrets. In an unexpected twist, Akutsu becomes an accomplice of one of the enemies he is supposed to defeat. From this point on, the manga explores the complexity of his emotions and decisions as he tries to unravel the mysteries surrounding Lily.
©2023 アズマサワヨシ/KADOKAWA/かな天製作委員会
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