Spy x Family

Spy x Family’s Yor Forger “attributes” have their measurements confirmed.

In recent years, several series have been released, one of them being Spy x Family, which was expected by many and was finally a total success, presenting a beautiful story, but above all some of the most recognized characters in anime, such as the handsome Loid, the adorable Anya, and the “waifu” Yor. And this last member of the Forger family has become one of the best female characters in the anime world, not only for her personality and ability, but her beauty and “attributes” helped a lot to this, being that now a fan delights us with the exact measurements of the girl’s front.

This is the size of the “attributes” of Spy x Family’s beloved Yor Forger.

Yor Forger-Spy X Family-Portada-08

The user @hikari_okiraku through his Twitter/X account shared a new publication, in this case for the delight of anime fans, but mainly for the followers of the Spy x Family series, and the protagonist was nothing more and nothing less than its most recognized “waifu”, the beautiful Yor Forger. In the tweet, as we are accustomed to this user, he presents the exact measurements of one of the most recognized aspects of the girl, her important “plot”, where using images of the anime he managed to discover that Yor has an F Cup size.

For those who are not familiar with this type of measurements, the Cups are usually used to know the size of the front area of women, ranging from A Cup size, which are the smallest, to the excessively large, which go up to Z or even more, adding numbers. There are several examples of girls that fall into the categories, we have as an example Kaguya from the anime Kaguya-sama, who has an A cup, while in the larger ones there are cases such as Passionlip from Fate/Grand Order with her “attributes” 6Z cup, so Yor with her F Cup would be in a middle line.

The way by which @hikari_okiraku discovers the size of the “plot” of the characters is usually the same: it starts from the basis of knowing the height of the girl, in this case Yor Forger measuring 169 cm, then measure the ribcage of her, about 15.6 cm and then how much protrude from them the “attributes”, in this case 9.1 cm. With this data obtained, he made the necessary calculations, arriving to the final result that the beloved “waifu” of Spy x Family has her F Cup size.

Below we share the images and calculations used by the user to find Yor Forger’s measurements:

Spy X Family Yor Forger Trama Tamano 1
Spy X Family Yor Forger Trama Tamano 2
Spy X Family Yor Forger Trama Tamano 3

Yor Forger is one of the most emblematic female characters that have made their appearance in the world of anime in recent years, being several aspects that make her a great “waifu” and the favorite of many: first of all her great design, which combines exceptional beauty with a very well-defined body. On the other hand, her work within the story, where she is a person who is dedicated to eliminate others, being the best of all, but is actually a very kind and even naive soul that fans love, so this combination is exciting for many.

Spy × Family is one of the most important anime that exists today, which tells the story of a spy who must form a “fake family” as part of a special mission. Here we meet Loid Forger or also known by his code name “Twilight”, who adopts little Anya to play the role of his daughter and then Yor Briar to be his wife, thus forming the Forger family. Loid must lead a new family life while continuing to work as a spy, but what he doesn’t know is that his new daughter is a telepath and his wife, Yor Forger, is working to eliminate people.

Spy X Family Presentó La Cautivadora Portada Volumen #13
