Sousou no Frieren

Sousou no Frieren: Fans are shocked with the ranking of characters

There is no doubt that the animated adaptation of “Sousou no Frieren” (Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End) left us with memorable moments from beginning to end. A few weeks ago, voting began where the fans of the series themselves could choose their favorites, and the final results were announced, which ended up surprising the fans, mainly because of the first places.

Here are Sousou no Frieren’s favorite characters from the 2nd popularity ranking.

Sousou No Frieren-Frieren-Portada

Voting was conducted through the Shogakukan website, and was open from March 1 to 24, where more than 50 characters were listed, including those already seen in the first and second seasons, for which you could vote more than once and for several characters.

Recently, the publisher has revealed the results of the second ranking of popularity of the characters of this magical adventure and, unlike the first, this one included a couple of surprises that have left many impressed. With an incredible number of fans taking the time to support their favorites, the votes surpassed 1.44 million.

The overwhelming number of votes only proved that it is not for nothing that Sousou no Frieren is and will continue to be a favorite among anime and manga fans. And as expected, the ranking included characters that we had undoubtedly predicted would occupy a significant position, while others managed to maintain and even advance a few positions.

And without further ado, here are the results of the ranking of Sousou no Frieren

  • 20. The tough guys in the bar
  • 19. Laufen
  • 18. The stupidly large hamburger
  • 17. Chief of the Sword Village
  • 16. Tot
  • 15. Sense
  • 14. Serie
  • 13. Wirbel
  • 12. Denken
  • 11. Continental Magic Association receptionist

10. Mimic with 341,347 votes

Sousou No Frieren Mimic Ranking 2

9. Solitär with 352,524 votes

Sousou No Frieren Solitar Ranking 2 1

8. Macht with 353,780 votes

Sousou No Frieren Macht Ranking 2

7. Stark with 587,392 votes

Sousou No Frieren Stark Ranking 2

6. Linie with 675,744 votes

Sousou No Frieren Linie Ranking2

5. Frieren with 816,279 votes

Sousou No Frieren Waifus Frieren

4. Übel with 847,205 votes

Sousou No Frieren Ubel Ranking2

3. Fern with 864,863 votes

Sousou No Frieren Fern Ranking 2

2. Aura with 1,045,369 votes

Sousou No Frieren Aura

1. Himmel with 1,239,533 votes

Sousou No Frieren Himmel Ranking 2

The Mimic, Frieren’s archenemy, maintained its popularity. Surprisingly, our favorite Elf, Frieren, moved from second to fifth place, lethal Übel got the fourth place, the demon girl Aura “The Guillotine” in the impressive second place. And the first position was taken by none other than the legendary hero Himmel holding this imposing number one position. Let us know what you thought of this second ranking of Sousou no Frieren.

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