The renowned Japanese company “SEGA PLAZA” has prepared a special surprise for fans of the anime adaptation of the manga “Sousou no Frieren” (Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End) and announced that it will start a new collaboration with this franchise that will feature the skilled elf Frieren, the main character of the series’ story, as the main character.
This collaboration between the Japanese company “SEGA PLAZA” and the TV anime “Sousou no Frieren” will consist in the production of an adorable plush toy that will be inspired by Frieren. Here is a preview of this plush toy that many fans of the character Frieren will want to hold in their hands to hug her with incredible strength.
Sousou no Frieren: Adorable Frieren plush toy announced in Japan
According to the information presented on the official website of the Japanese company “SEGA PLAZA“, this charming plush toy of the protagonist of the anime “Sousou no Frieren”, Frieren, will measure approximately 14 x 22 x 13 cm and will be available for purchase in some arcade centers in Japan.
It is worth noting that this adorable product was launched to the public last March 21 of this year and will have 2 versions that will show a different facial expression of Frieren, where we can see this skilled elf with her eyes open and also with her eyes closed, sketching an adorable smile on her face.
Sousou no Frieren, also known as Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End in the West, is an intriguing manga that fuses adventure and fantasy. This masterpiece is written by Kanehito Yamada and beautifully illustrated by Tsukasa Abe. The work began its publication in the pages of the prestigious Shonen Sunday magazine, under the Shogakukan publishing imprint, since April 2020. To date, the manga has been collected in a total of 12 volumes.
Thanks to the enormous popularity of the Sousou no Frieren manga in recent years, an anime adaptation of the manga was announced in September 2022.
The anime adaptation of the manga Sousou no Frieren premiered in Japan on September 29, 2023 and is produced by the renowned animation studio MADHOUSE. The series was aired legally in America through the Crunchyroll platform, which is currently producing an English dub for the anime.
“Sousou no Frieren” takes us into a captivating fantasy universe, where a group of heroes have emerged victorious in their epic confrontation against the demon king. However, far from celebrating a glorious triumph, the series immerses us in the nostalgic return of these heroes to their home and how they face the inevitable farewells.
Among the group is Frieren, an elven wizard who, due to the nature of his species, experiences the aging and death of his fellow travelers slowly and painfully. The plot takes an unexpected turn when Heiter, the priest of the group, before his passing, entrusts Frieren with the care of a young human apprentice named Fern. Together, they embark on a journey in search of magical knowledge, without a clear destination but with a deep purpose: to help Frieren overcome his regrets and find a way to honor the memory of his departed comrades.
As they explore the places they once traveled as heroes, the play presents a poignant narrative about friendship, time and missed opportunities in a world where magic and emotions are unforgettably intertwined.
© 山田鐘人・アベツカサ/小学館/「葬送のフリーレン」製作委員会
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