The television anime based on the manga “Sousou no Frieren” (Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End) has unveiled the official cover for its first Blu-Ray/DVD volume through its official media channels, Scheduled for release in Japan on January 24, 2024, the cover features Frieren, the main character of the story.
Sousou no Frieren: Frieren stars in an amazing Blu-Ray/DVD cover
Previously mentioned, the first Blu-Ray/DVD volume of the anime Sousou no Frieren will include the series’ first four episodes, along with an extra video, totaling approximately 103 minutes of content, The Blu-Ray format will be priced at 13,200 yen, while the DVD version will cost 12,100 yen.
The anime adaptation of the manga Sousou no Frieren began broadcasting in Japan on September 29 this year, Produced by the renowned animation studio Madhouse.
“Sousou no Frieren” immerses us in an enchanting fantasy world where a group of heroes has triumphed in their epic battle against the demon king, Instead of celebrating a glorious victory, the series presents the heroes’ melancholic return home and their confrontation with inevitable farewells.
Among them is Frieren, an elven mage who, due to the nature of his species, witnesses the slow and heartbreaking aging and death of his travel companions, The plot takes an unexpected turn when Heiter, the group’s priest, entrusts Frieren with the care of a young human apprentice named Fern before passing away, Together, they embark on a journey in search of magical knowledge, without a clear destination but with a profound purpose: to allow Frieren to overcome his regrets and find a way to honor the memory of his deceased comrades.
As they revisit the places once frequented as heroes, the work presents a touching story about friendship, time, and missed opportunities in a world where magic and emotion intertwine in an unforgettable way.
© 山田鐘人・アベツカサ/小学館/「葬送のフリーレン」製作委員会
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