A report made by the renowned publisher Shueisha has revealed that the manga written and illustrated by Yoshiaki Sukeno, known as “Sousei no Onmyouji” (Twin Star Exorcists), is very close to completion. To be more precise, there are only 4 chapters left for Yoshiaki Sukeno’s work to finish its serialization and the publisher Shueisha has already confirmed that the manga Sousei no Onmyouji will have a total of 35 compilation volumes.
Along with this news, it was confirmed that the long awaited Sousei no Onmyouji compilation volume #34 is scheduled to be released for sale in Japanese stores and bookstores on July 4 this year and at the moment the official cover of this volume has not been presented. New updates will be released as the months go by, so we recommend to be attentive to the respective official media of the Japanese publisher Shueisha for more information.
Sousei no Onmyouji manga very close to its end
Sousei no Onmyouji, also known as Twin Star Exorcists in the West, is an action and fantasy shonen manga written and illustrated by Yoshiaki Sukeno. The work began its publication in Jump Square magazine of Shueisha publishing house since November 2013 and is currently still in serialization. A few months ago, the publisher Shueisha confirmed that the manga Sousei no Onmyouji managed to surpass the incredible figure of 7.5 million copies in circulation.
On April 6, 2016, Yoshiaki Sukeno’s manga “Sousei no Onmyouji” premiered its respective anime adaptation which consisted of a total of 50 episodes. The renowned animation studio “Studio Pierrot” was in charge of the production of the series and it is legally available through the Crunchyroll platform.
“Sousei no Onmyouji” (Twin Star Exorcists) tells a fascinating story set in Magano, a parallel realm plagued by monsters known as “Kegare”. This world is full of impurities that are confronted by brave exorcists. Benio Adashino, a prodigy exorcist renowned for her incredible strength, is summoned to Tokyo by the Union of Exorcists. On her journey, she accidentally encounters Rokuro Enmadou, a young exorcist with a dark and troubled past.
The threats in Magano never cease. During an attack in which a Kegare kidnaps a couple of children, Benio springs into action to rescue them, taking Rokuro with her into Magano. In the midst of an intense battle in which Benio is about to be defeated, Rokuro intervenes and saves her, proving to be a worthy opponent in terms of talent and skill.
This dynamic forges a bond between the two, promising exciting challenges and growth as they fight together against Magano’s dark forces.
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