After exciting the public with the announcement of the production of an anime adaptation, the manga Shiunji-ke no Kodomotachi (The Shiunji Family Children), written and illustrated by the author of the popular manga Kanojo, Okarishimasu, Reiji Miyajima, has released new updates about what is to come.
Let’s start with an important news about the anime Shiunji-ke no Kodomotachi and it was confirmed that the renowned animation studio Doga Kobo will be in charge of the production of the series. Although not going into much detail about the production of the series, the respective official Twitter/X account announced that new information will be released in the future.
Shiunji-ke no Kodomotachi anime to reveal new information soon
In addition, the author of the manga Shiunji-ke no Kodomotachi and Kanojo, Okarishimasu also announced that a special exhibition will be held on August 16 at WAEN Gallery, and will be titled Miyajima Reiji solo exhibition “0 (Love). The exhibition will last for a few weeks and will culminate on September 4 of this year.
Returning to the information about the anime adaptation of the manga Shiunji-ke no Kodomotachi, it is expected that in this special event new updates about the series will be announced, since for the moment it was only specified that the animation studio Doga Kobo, known for its work in Oshi no Ko, Tokidoki Bosotto Roshia-Go of Dereru Tonari no Alya-san, Plastic Memories and more series, will be in charge of its production. For the time being, we recommend to be patient and be attentive to the respective official media of the anime Shiunji-ke no Kodomotachi so as not to miss any updates that could be given soon.
Shiunji-ke no Kodomotachi is a romantic comedy manga that is written and illustrated by Reiji Miyajima (author of the manga Kanojo, Okarishimasu). The work began its serialization in Young Animal magazine of Hakusensha publishing house from February 2022 and is currently still in publication.
Another point to note is that the publisher has published 4 compilation volumes in total and thanks to the good reception by the public, in February this year it was announced the production of an anime adaptation for the manga by Reiji Miyajima.
The manga Shiunji-ke no Kodomotachi has the following synopsis: Love between brother and sister. The love between man and woman. The most forbidden is the most unbreakable. The two sons and five daughters of the Shiunji family shine like gemstones, with equal parts intelligence and beauty.
And with their wealthy father’s pedigree behind them, how could they not be the talk of the town? Arata, the eldest son, has spent his life being tossed around by the whims of his colorful sisters, but a few pranks don’t stop him from valuing his family above everything and everyone else. But when his younger sister turns fifteen, his father reveals a long-hidden secret of the Shiunji “siblings” and sends Arata’s world reeling….
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