The prestigious publisher Takeshobo has amazed fans of the manga “My Tiny Senpai” (Uchi no Kaisha no Chiisai Senpai no Hanashi) by presenting the official cover of the eighth compilation volume of the work, which is written and illustrated by Saisou. According to the information provided by the official media of the publisher Takeshobo, this volume is scheduled to be released for sale in bookstores in Japan on February 17 of this year and will have a total of 144 pages.
On this occasion, the official cover of the eighth volume of the manga “My Tiny Senpai” will feature an illustration of Shiori Katase, the female protagonist of the story. The illustration shows us Shiori wearing a beautiful Yukata, an outfit that brings out her dazzling side, in what appears to be a summer festival setting, suggested by the lights present in the background. In addition, Shiori’s beautiful smile and blushing face of the character have managed to captivate the hearts of otaku.
My Tiny Senpai manga presents the official cover of volume #8
Uchi no Kaisha no Chiisai Senpai no Hanashi, also known as My Tiny Senpai in the West, is a slice of life romantic comedy manga written and illustrated by Saisou. The manga began to be published on the web service “Storia Dash” of Takeshobo Publishing House since December 2019. Thanks to the public’s reception to Saisou’s manga, in October 2022, the author of the work confirmed the production of an anime adaptation for his manga.
On July 1, 2023, the manga Uchi no Kaisha no Chiisai Senpai no Hanashi premiered its respective anime adaptation, which consisted of a total of 12 episodes. The anime studio Project No.9 was in charge of its production and it was legally and simultaneously broadcast in America through the Crunchyroll platform under the title My Tiny Senpai.
“My Tiny Senpai” presents the captivating story of Takuma Shinozaki, an office worker whose life takes a surprising turn when Shiori Katase, a beautiful and experienced female senior member of his staff, becomes Takuma’s unexpected caretaker and confidante. In this intriguing plot, the narrative is woven with the unique relationship between the two characters, highlighting Shiori’s remarkable qualities that go beyond her outward beauty.
Shiori’s deep kindness, overflowing affection, voluptuousness, and smallness create a unique atmosphere in the story, leading Takuma to question whether these generous gestures are driven by obligation or if they truly reflect Shiori’s true feelings. As the plot unfolds, Shiori’s palpable joy in caring for Takuma reveals more and more of her emotions, immersing readers in an emotional journey full of surprises and authentic relationships.
©斎創・竹書房 /「うちの会社の小さい先輩の話」製作委員会
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