At the end of the broadcast of the last episode of the anime series Senpai wa Otokonoko (Senpai is an Otokonoko), the respective official media of the anime announced the production of a film project, which will be released in Japan on February 14, 2025, curiously the same day that Valentine’s Day is celebrated. Additionally, it was specified that the film of the series will be titled “Senpai wa Otokonoko: Ame Nochi Hare” and its first teaser video was presented.
Senpai wa Otokonoko announced to have a movie in February 2025
However, that’s not all, as the official website for the anime adaptation of the manga Senpai wa Otokonoko shared a promotional image for this movie. New information about its production will be released soon, so we recommend fans of the franchise to stay tuned to the official media of the series to not miss any updates on the film.
Voice Cast Members:
- Shuuichirou Umeda As Makoto Hanaoka
- Akira Sekine As Saki Aoi
- Yuuma Uchida As Ryuuji Taiga
Senpai wa Otokonoko, also known as Senpai is an Otokonoko: My Crossdressing Classmate in the West, is a romance manga that is written and illustrated by Pom. The work began its serialization through the Line Manga platform in the month of December 2019, to then be published in physical form by the Ichijinsha publishing house. Thanks to the good reception of the public, in the month of March 2023 it was announced the production of an anime adaptation for the manga Senpai wa Otokonoko.
The respective anime adaptation of the manga Senpai wa Otokonoko premiered in Japan on July 4 of this year and consisted of a total of 12 episodes. The renowned animation studio Project No.9 was in charge of its production and the series is legally simulcast on the Crunchyroll platform.
©pom・JOYNET/LINE Digital Frontier・「先輩はおとこのこ」製作委員会
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