Sundome is a manga written and illustrated by Kazuto Okada, with a total of eight volumes, in which a dramatic story, with touches of comedy and romance, but above all an adult story full of dyes of toxicity by two students who fall into a vicious circle by the carnal longing that corrodes them.
Sundome manga to be made into a series live-action
Recently, the official Twitter account of the Young Champion publishing house announced that the successful romantic comedy manga Sundome by Kazuto Okada will be adapted into a drama series for the first time, which will feature 6 episodes to be distributed by ABEMA starting November 1st.
Although Sundome has received a live-action adaptation before, this will be the first time it has been adapted into a series format, it was previously brought to the big screen in a format of four films that were released between 2007 and 2009 respectively, the films were directed by Daigo Udagawa, who also helped write the script.
The plot of Sundome revolves around a teenager named Hideo Aiba, who is part of a club called Club Romano, formed by a group of students, one weirder than the previous one, where everyone has their own fetishes, they are considered geeks who are away from real life, the days of the now president of the club Hideo Aiba were boring and monotonous, but those days take a huge turn with the arrival of a new student Kurumi Sahana.
Recently, the official Twitter account of the Young Champion publishing house announced that the successful romantic comedy manga Sundome by Kazuto Okada will be adapted into a drama series for the first time, which will feature 6 episodes to be distributed by ABEMA starting November 1st.
Although Sundome has received a live-action adaptation before, this will be the first time it has been adapted into a series format, it was previously brought to the big screen in a format of four films that were released between 2007 and 2009 respectively, the films were directed by Daigo Udagawa, who also helped write the script.
The plot of Sundome revolves around a teenager named Hideo Aiba, who is part of a club called Club Romano, formed by a group of students, one weirder than the previous one, where everyone has their own fetishes, they are considered geeks who are away from real life, the days of the now president of the club Hideo Aiba were boring and monotonous, but those days take a huge turn with the arrival of a new student Kurumi Sahana.
Sundome’s work will take us through a complicated path, where the feelings of a young man will make him commit many sacrifices for the woman he desires, we will see a girl who shows a face, but hides a lot of things that we will discover, and we will witness a tug of war of our protagonists, what goes through their heads, what gives rise to their actions and above all we will observe the growth of this couple with the perspective of teenagers.
Sundome does not have the best drawing or the most innovative story, but it is interesting and entertaining, it will give us disturbing moments and full of growth for our characters, the secondary characters also play an important role, they are the fresh air of the work, they will give us funny moments and pleasant situations. Sundome will provoke different sensations, and it is to be hoped that its adaptation captures them all.
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