Sakura Fox Adventure

Sakura Fox Adventure is censored on Nintendo Switch

El videojuego estilo novela visual Sakura Fox Adventure se lanzó oficialmente en el año 2019, siendo que obtuvo un muy buen recibimiento por parte de los jugadores, principalmente al presentarnos una gran cantidad de personajes que sorprendieron a todos por la gran calidad y variedad de sus diseños, logrando así que este título llegue a la última consola de Nintendo, pero no lo hizo de la mejor manera, ya que llegó con un gran nivel de censura, principalmente en las «waifus», siendo que los «atributos» de estas han sido cubiertos con respecto de su figura original.

The visual novel style video game Sakura Fox Adventure was officially launched in 2019, being that it got a very good reception from the players, mainly by presenting us with a large number of characters that surprised everyone by the high quality and variety of their designs, thus achieving that this title reaches the latest Nintendo console, but it did not do it in the best way, since it arrived with a high level of censorship, mainly in the “waifus”, being that the “attributes” of these have been covered with respect to their original figure.

Sakura Fox Adventures comes with censorship to Nintendo Switch

Sakura Fox Adventure Es Censurado En Nintendo Switch

With the recent arrival of the title Sakura Fox Adventure to the current Nintendo console, Nintendo Switch, players have begun to notice that this has been censored in a very evident way, being that the main affected are the different “waifus” that the game has to offer, something that they realized when comparing the Nintendo version with those of PC, where the game does not present any type of censorship, as it was originally conceived.

Being that censorship, as we mentioned, is presented in the different “waifus” of the game, with the same images shared by users and comparing the models of both versions, we see that where greater censorship occurs in the front area of the girls, that in order to hide her bust they placed a kind of black garment, unlike the original model where you can actually see the skin of the girl.

Below are two images, the one above with the censorship in Nintendo Switch, while below we see the same model, the “waifus” without this censorship mentioned above:

Sakura Fox Adventure Es Censurado En Nintendo Switch
Sakura Fox Adventure Es Censurado En Nintendo Switch

Meanwhile, users who echoed this news were disappointed with the decision to censor a game like this, which stands out largely thanks to the various models of the “waifus”, something very important also because being a visual novel is one of the strongest points for players to delve into Sakura Fox Adventures. On the other hand, there are also players who are waiting for an official version that is more similar to the PC version, without censorship, but with the respective age restriction.

In Sakura Fox Adventure we find the story of Mikoto, a fox girl who lives in the forest and which must train to take her mother’s place as leader of her village, but there is a problem and is that Mikoto is a failure when it comes to perform any type of activity. It is because of her lack of ability that she leaves home to attend the annual harvest festival in Warren Village, but she will end up finding something more than the ability she lacks, a new “friend” named Juni, feeling instantly attracted to her, and thus a great love story is born that the player himself must form with his decisions.

Sakura Fox Adventure Es Censurado En Nintendo Switch

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