After a lapse of more than six years since the prestigious publisher Kodansha began serializing the manga Rent-a-Girlfriend (Kanojo, Okarishimasu), the acclaimed work of mangaka Reiji Miyajima has reached its 300th chapter. This significant milestone was celebrated with great enthusiasm by the community of fans of the franchise and the author of the manga, in honor of this special occasion, has prepared a unique illustration, where the central character, Chizuru Mizuhara, takes center stage.
Rent-a-Girlfriend: Chizuru stars in the celebration of episode #300
The following illustration was presented in the official media of the ‘Kodansha Magazine Pocket‘ service, where the compilation volume #33 of the manga ‘Rent-a-Girlfriend‘ and the upcoming release of the final episode of the third season for its respective anime adaptation have also been promoted. In addition, this illustration by Chizuru will inspire the creation of some products that will be raffled on the official ‘X’ account of the Kodansha Magazine Pocket service.
Following Reiji Miyajima’s distinctive characteristic of placing Chizuru Mizuhara in real-life scenarios, something that has generated some debate among “Rent-a-Girlfriend” fans where a strong theory about a supposed crush of Reiji for Chizuru was speculated. For this occasion, Chizuru has been introduced as the travel companion of a person riding in a car.
“Kanojo, Okarishimasu“, also known as Rent-a-Girlfriend in the West, is a popular romantic comedy manga written and illustrated by Reiji Miyajima. The publisher Kodansha began publishing the work in its weekly “Shuukan Shonen Magazine” in July 2017.
Currently, the manga has surpassed 10 million copies in circulation and thanks to the good reception of the work by the public, an anime adaptation for the manga “Rent-a-Girlfriend” was announced for production in 2020.
“Rent-a-Girlfriend” is a manga/anime that tells the story of Kazuya Kinoshita, a college student who has been dumped by his girlfriend and is emotionally shattered. In an attempt to fill the void in his heart, he turns to a mobile app that allows him to rent a girlfriend.
In his search, Kazuya meets Chizuru Mizuhara, who initially seems to be the perfect girl with stunning looks and a charming personality. However, after their first date, Kazuya finds mixed reviews on Chizuru’s profile and, haunted by his previous relationship, believes that she is just playing with men’s hearts, leading him to give her a negative rating.
Outraged by Kazuya’s disrespect, Chizuru reveals her true nature. However, due to a series of circumstances, Kazuya and Chizuru are forced to maintain a fake relationship, acting as if they are really in love.
As the story progresses, both protagonists face various challenges and comical situations as they struggle to maintain their charade and, at the same time, discover more about themselves and their true feelings. “Kanojo, Okarishimasu” combines romance, comedy and drama to explore the complexities and emotions involved in human relationships.
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