Japanese publisher Kadokawa, renowned for its manga, anime and light novel publications, had been the victim of a large-scale cyber-attack some time ago that put its operations in check. The Russian hacker group BlackSuit claimed responsibility for the attack and demanded a million-dollar ransom from the company in exchange for not leaking the stolen data. In addition, the group commented on further attacks against Kadokawa in case of non-payment, thus igniting a major alarm in the entertainment industry and in this company itself.
Russian hacker group demands millions of dollars from Kadokawa
On June 8, the Kadokawa Group’s servers, located in its data center, were the target of a devastating cyber-attack involving ransomware affecting mainly Niconico and other related services. The attackers, identified as the BlackSuit hacker group, managed to steal more than 1.5 terabytes of confidential information, including business plans and sensitive user details, which could be offered for sale if Kadokawa does not comply with ransom demands.
Russian hacker group BlackSuit, known for its ransomware cyber attacks, told Kyodo News that its attempts to negotiate a ransom of $8 million, equivalent to about 11 billion yen, were not accepted by Kadokawa. According to BlackSuit, their ransom demand was rejected by the Japanese publisher, leading to the failure of the negotiations, despite the lack of agreement, the hacker group hinted that they still have access to Kadokawa’s IT infrastructure and may be planning more attacks in the future.
Even after the system recovery, the company could face similar problems repeatedly, they warned, suggesting possible continuity in its hostile cyber operations. Kadokawa, which has been severely affected by the attack, experienced significant system failures, including the loss of critical data and exposure of personal information of employees, as well as customers, the company has been working intensively to restore its systems and mitigate the damage.
The threat of a new attack still lingers at Kadokawa, according to Katsuyuki Okamoto, a security expert at cybersecurity firm Trend Micro, commented that while the hackers’ statements could be a scare tactic, it is vital that Kadokawa conducts a thorough inspection of its system. This is why the company should prepare for the worst-case scenario by reviewing and strengthening its security measures to prevent future incidents, Okamoto said.
BlackSuit, which began operating in 2023, has gained notoriety for its aggressive use of ransomware, a type of malware that encrypts data and demands a ransom for its release, these hacker groups are often persistent and meticulous in their approach, conducting continuous attacks until their financial demand is met. Okamoto stressed that the group conducts planning, execution and infiltration independently, and will not cease its efforts until it obtains ransom payment for the stolen data.
The attack on Kadokawa underscores the growing threat posed by sophisticated cybercriminals to businesses globally, this situation for the company underscores the growing threat of large-scale cyber attacks and the persistence of sophisticated hacking groups like BlackSuit. As the company works hard to recover its system and strengthen its security, the impact of these attacks highlights the urgent need for more robust protective measures for companies like Kadokawa globally.
Kadokawa is one of the largest companies in the world, owner of a large number of developers and very important franchises in the world of anime and video games, among others, being that the popularity of these are more than recognized. Among them we have two well-known anime within the isekai genre: Mushoku Tensei and Konosuba! as well as a game that released a few months ago its biggest expansion, considered one of the best releases of the year, Elden Ring.
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