
Official Pokémon visual announces the return of Pokémon Concierge

Pokemon Concierge was one of the many projects awaited by the audience to close the year 2023 on a high note. Pokémon is one of the most popular franchises in the last 20 years, both in Japan and in different countries around the world. Its diversification of products, projects and games have become suitable and accepted in many age ranges. This was the case with Pokemon Concierge, a series that won the affection of both children and adults.

Pokémon shares visual confirming continuation for “Pokémon Concierge”.


In this new image shared by the official Pokémon Facebook and X/Twitter accounts, we can see that Haru and Psyduck are back. They take the lead role in this visual, placing them in the foreground, where we can see that Haru seems to be making or adjusting a small doll of Psyduck, while Psyduck just watches her, knowing that she is concentrating.

They seem to be outdoors, because we can see some palm leaves that cast a shadow on the table where Haru is working. In the back we find a completely blue background, which implies that it is the sky. The protagonists of this image look just as we saw them in the Pokémon Concierge episodes. Haru wears the same flowery shirt from the series and psyduck… well, it’s psyduck.

This image was released in order to confirm and make it official that the production of new episodes for the series has started. The official Pokémon website even recommends keeping an eye on their networks, because new updates relevant to the project may be released. So far it is still unknown if the promised new episodes will be part of the short season already released or if they will be part of a new season.


As soon as the announcement came out, the networks spread the news, and users immediately began to show their happiness and support for this news. Fans highlight that Pokemon Concierge has been one of the best animated projects that the franchise has released, highlighting the quality with which the series is made and that it is worthy of having more chapters, since its animation technique retakes the nostalgia of stop-motion.

This marvelous series is a tenderness hit straight to the heart and to our childhood. Pokémon have always been catalogued as tender, but in this particular project the tenderness is increased, a result that was achieved thanks to stop-motion. This radical change in the animation of the series was very well suited, renewing the concept, and going from always using the animation technique to create 2D formats, to experiment with techniques that bring new vibes to the franchise.

Pokémon Concierge was a Japanese project that is part of the Pokémon company, which was released exclusively on the Netflix streaming platform on December 28, 2023. The stop-motion was its main and key technique, its success has been so notorious that Netflix has decided to keep this project active and start with the production of new material. Although in its first installment it only consisted of 4 chapters of 20 minutes each, they were enough to captivate and delight us with such a beautiful series.


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