The anime adaptation of the light novel Party kara Tsuihou sareta Sono Chiyushi, Jitsu wa Saikyou ni Tsuki has revealed new information about its expected premiere date and through a 30-second commercial video aired on NBC Universal, it was confirmed that the series is scheduled to premiere on television in Japan on October 5 of this year.
Party kara Tsuihou sareta Sono Chiyushi, Jitsu wa Saikyou ni Tsuki surprises by revealing video release date
The opening theme song of the anime Party kara Tsuihou sareta Sono Chiyushi, Jitsu wa Saikyou ni Tsuki was also revealed, it will be performed by Hina Tachibana and will be titled “Saikyou? Saikou! Brave My Heart.” However, for the moment no information about the closing theme song of the anime was released.
This video can be found on the YouTube channel belonging to the same NBCUniversal Anime/Music network, the series will be broadcast on ABC TV, TV Asahi and 22 other affiliated channels throughout Japan. Additionally, the cast of voices that will participate in the anime project Party kara Tsuihou sareta Sono Chiyushi, Jitsu wa Saikyou ni Tsuki was announced, as well as the staff involved.
The staff consists of Keisuke Ōnishi who will be directing the anime at Studio Elle and who we also know for having worked as director in series such as Attack on Titan, The Case Study of Vanitas and Kill la Kill. Kurasumi Sunayama is supervising the scripts of the series, Yumiko Mizuno is in charge of the character design and Naoki Tani will be in charge of composing the music.
Voice cast members:
- Kenshō Ono as Laust
- Kaori Maeda as Narusena
- Hina Tachibana as Armia
- Ayaka Asai as Laila
- Yūichirō Umehara as Sieg
- Shunichi Toki as Margulus
- Marie Hashimoto as Saberia
- Rie Hikisaka as Amherst
- Toshiya Miyata as Hanzamu
- Hiroshi Miyazaki as Niebla
Party kara Tsuihou sareta Sono Chiyushi, Jitsu wa Saikyou ni Tsuki is a series of comedy, fantasy and Isekai light novels written by Kagekinoko and illustrated by Kakao Lanthanum. The series began its publication in 2018 in Shōsetsuka ni Narō and later the rights were acquired by Futabasha, Japanese publisher that has published four volumes since January 2019 under its M Novels imprint and now we are waiting for the premiere of its adaptation to anime series for next October 5.
The story of Party kara Tsuihou sareta Sono Chiyushi, Jitsu wa Saikyou ni Tsuki revolves around a healer named Laust, this healer is expelled from his team because he does not contribute much to it and apparently he can only use one spell at a time which makes him a weak member. Now this young healer, must find a new team, this search leads him to meet a martial artist named Narusena who realizes his skills and now he supported by his new friends seeks to reach the top.
©影茸・鳴海みわ/双葉社・「パーティーから追放されたその治癒師、実は最強につき」製作委員会 2024
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