
Oreimo author suffers surprising cancellation of his manga

The northern project of Tsukasa Fushimi, creator of Oreimo, has been cancelled outright without a compelling reason, although many fans claim to know why.

It is that the author has shown in his manga, “Watahazu”, which is an adaptation of his of the author’s light novel, “My first Love is so embarassing that I can’t tell anyone” in English, to be a northern series that apparently had more than it should have in this aspect.

manga from the creator of Oreimo is cancelled outright

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This is a project of the creator of Oreimo, Mr. Tsukasa Fushimi, who in his light novel had created an interesting story for his readers and now wanted to expand the lore of it by adding a manga. The story aimed to bring in “rikolin” series illustrator Tsukako. In addition to already having an outline for the series, it is counting with published volumes and even scenes, something… peculiar for the type of aesthetics that the series has.

In the social network we see how fans are not willing to know the reason for the cancellation of the series, since with the data given by the author, the illustrator and his synopsis they imagine that the series was going to keep more rikura than normal in a manga. We have seen many panels that could be worthy of a rikolina series, so it is to be expected. On the other hand, on our page we have made a complete note about this series in depth.

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The sales of this manga were optimal and although not with the best fame in recent years, the author had a vision for the future with this manga and its next volumes. His works such as Oreimo or Eromanga sensei have enjoyed a good reception, with adaptations and very good reception for years in the community, why now his work is cancelled? This must be explained by the author himself and his staff, so we can only wait for the outcome of the events of this rich and comic manga.

The plot that revolves around this new work of the creator of Oreimo, Watahazu presents us with a very catchy synopsis, in its own way. A young man who is not popular with girls, by fate, is transformed into an irresistible girl, to everyone’s surprise, the first person who falls in love with him is his twin sister. Now he will have some really rikolinos moments in a comic and naughty series.

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