In order to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the anime adaptation of the light novel “No Game No Life“, the renowned Japanese company “Mios” has prepared a special surprise for fans of this series and through their respective official media, has announced a fascinating collaboration with the franchise that will have the adorable Shiro as the protagonist of the event.
It should be noted that this impressive collaboration between the Japanese company Mios and the TV anime “No Game no Life” will consist of the development of a dakimakura case that will be inspired by Shiro, which is presented with a revealing outfit that will focus on attracting the attention of fans of this character who love this type of products. Additionally, we have presented some screenshots of the illustrations of these products.
No Game no Life: Shiro is back in flirtatious dakimakura
This fascinating product inspired by the charming Shiro stands out among fans for, according to the opinion of several users in Japan, presenting the most attractive side of her, wearing a very revealing outfit where there is no problem in showing her uncovered body. In addition, the illustrations of Shiro on the front and back sides of the dakimakura sheath fulfill their function of attracting the attention of fans, who have been amazed by this curious combination.
According to the information presented on the official website of the company “Mios“, people interested in acquiring this attractive product from Shiro will be able to start making their reservations until July of this year and the dakimakura will be released for sale in the course of August of this year. But that’s not all, as it was also specified that the product will be available at a price of 14,300 yen, which is equivalent to approximately $91.15 US dollars.
Another notable aspect of this Shiro dakimakura case is its dimensions: approximately 160 cm long and 50 cm wide. These measurements provide ample space, allowing those who purchase this product to wrap up and enjoy its comfort. In addition, thanks to the “Aqua Veil” material used in its manufacture, the buyer will experience exceptional softness to the touch, making it possible to snuggle with Shiro without any inconvenience.
“No Game no Life” is a light novel written and illustrated by Yuu Kamiya. The light novel began publication under Media Factory’s MF Bunko J imprint in April 2012. Currently, Media Factory has published 12 volumes in total and a few months ago it was reported that the franchise managed to surpass 6 million copies in circulation.
The work also has a manga adaptation, created by Yuu Kamiya and Mashiro Hiragi. The manga “No Game no Life” began serialization in Media Factory’s Comic Alive magazine in January 2013. In addition, a parallel series titled “No Game no Life, Please!” began publication in May 2015 through Comic Alive magazine and ended in November 2017.
The anime adaptation of the light novel “No Game no Life” began broadcasting last April 9, 2014. The anime consisted of a total of 12 episodes and a movie titled “No Game no Life Zero” which was released in theaters in Japan on July 15, 2017. The animation studio Madhouse was in charge of its production and the series has an English dub.
No Game no Life takes us into a place where the boundaries between the real world and the game world are blurred in a dance of strategy and challenge. In the most enigmatic corner of the network, a legend emerges that unfolds between avatars and games: “Blank”.
In this virtual world, “Blank” is the pseudonym that resonates with awe and admiration, belonging to two NEET brothers who, despite their confined lives, have become an unstoppable force sweeping away records and opponents in hundreds of games. Sora, the resourceful 18-year-old, and Shiro, the 11-year-old prodigy with seeming indifference, are the masters of this unbeatable duo, with a perfect collection of victories.
A twist of fate presents them with an unusual and disturbing challenge: an anonymous e-mail that launches them into a chess duel. Their unquestionable victory earns them immediate entry into an alternate world bursting with color and vitality. In this new scenario, a mischievous and enigmatic being known as Tet, who calls himself the “One True God”, introduces them to a cosmos where disputes and conflicts are not resolved with weapons or violence, but through ingenious and subtle games.
In this corner of the multiverse, the 16 races that inhabit this enchanted land coexist under an unprecedented system of rules. In the hierarchy of power, humans are at the lowest rung, barely surviving in a lonely city. Despite the challenges they face, Sora and Shiro do not falter, but embrace a bold goal: to challenge the supremacy of the “One True God,” Tet, and establish themselves as the architects of their own destiny in this world where war and bloodshed have faded into the oblivion of centuries.
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