The anime adaptation of the light novel No Game no Life is back, but this time in an amazing collaboration with the Japanese retail chain TSUTAYA. This interesting collaboration aims to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the series and will consist of the opening of a POP UP SHOP where a line of exclusive products will be displayed, most of which will be inspired by Shiro and Sora, the protagonists of the anime No Game no Life.
According to the information presented by the official media of the TSUTAYA store chain, this collaboration with the TV anime No Game no Life is scheduled to take place next September 26th of this year and a promotional image for the event has been presented. Interestingly, the products that will be exhibited in this collaboration of Shiro and Sora stand out for presenting them with an elegant outfit, which will highlight the most dazzling side of both for the fortune of the fans.
Facts about No Game no Life:
“No Game no Life” is a light novel written and illustrated by Yuu Kamiya. The light novel began publication under Media Factory’s MF Bunko J imprint in April 2012. Currently, Media Factory has published 12 volumes in total and a few months ago it was reported that the franchise managed to surpass 6 million copies in circulation.
The work also has a manga adaptation, created by Yuu Kamiya and Mashiro Hiragi. The manga “No Game no Life” began serialization in Media Factory’s Comic Alive magazine in January 2013. In addition, a parallel series titled “No Game no Life, Please!” began publication in May 2015 through Comic Alive magazine and ended in November 2017.
The anime adaptation of the light novel “No Game no Life” began broadcasting on April 9, 2014. The anime consisted of a total of 12 episodes and a movie titled “No Game no Life Zero”, which was released in theaters in Japan on July 15, 2017. The animation studio Madhouse was in charge of its production and the series has an English dub.
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