
Nikke introduces its “waifu” D: Killer Wife and fans go wild

The Goddess of Victory: Nikke continues to add content for its players, and now they announced the arrival of a new character to the staff, as usual in this game, being a cute black-haired waifu that stole the heart of more than one fan, which is called D: Killer Wife. The new girl is already available in the corresponding banner, and as part of her presentation, a new event is active in the game.

D: Killer Wife arrives at Nikkei to the delight of fans

Nikke Presenta A Su “Waifu” D: Killer Wife Y Los Fanáticos Enloquecen

A few days ago the gacha-style video game The Goddess of Victory: Nikke announced the next event that would continue the one that was active at that time called “Booms Day” and that had brought the cute Elegg as part of it, and now it will start one called “Kill the Lord”. This new event, which is already available, follows the line of the previous ones, bringing a lot of new content, but especially a “new” girl, since she is a new version of D, one of the “waifus” of the game, called in this case D: Killer Wife and who quickly became very loved by fans for various reasons.

One of the aspects that attracted the most attention and quickly made Nikke’s fans fall in love is the undeniable beauty of this girl, and being a black-haired girl, she stole the heart of more than one player who loves this type of characters so common in the world of video games or anime. In the title she uses a dress that may seem simple, but that perfectly fulfills the main reason, as it is to show the girl’s body, since the gray dress she has covers her entire body, accentuating her voluptuous figure.

Nikke is characterized by having a large number of “waifus” in its playable staff, and their bodies usually have “attributes” big enough to attract the attention of fans, and in this case D: Killer Wife is not far behind. In addition, the last point for which many already consider her one of the best girls of all is her personality that fluctuates between a cute and tender “waifu” with a machine to eliminate enemies. Below are some of the images that were shared for her official presentation:

Nikke Presenta A Su “Waifu” D: Killer Wife Y Los Fanáticos Enloquecen
Nikke Presenta A Su “Waifu” D: Killer Wife Y Los Fanáticos Enloquecen

Finally, the users of the different networks were the ones who caused more commotion, and one of the most repeated comments were those who bought the new “waifu” of Nikke with another beloved character, in this case, from the world of anime, we refer to Yor Forger of Spy x Family. And the similarities are several once we see them both, first for the fact of being cute red-haired girls and secondly, the fact that both appear to be nice people, but deep down they are machines ready for combat to the end, so the comparisons are quite accurate.

For those who do not know The Goddess of Victory: Nikke this is a free to play gacha style video game that in just over a year has been placed as one of the best of the genre, being that the combination of action-packed combat and cute “waifus” is one of the strongest points it has. In this title, the player will command a group of artificially created soldiers to recover the planet Earth, which has been invaded by robotic beings called “Raptures”. In addition to being pretty girls, the Nikkes have great combat skills, and the player is in charge of using each of them to perfection.

Goddess Of Victory Nikke