It has been 25 years since the release of Naruto in the Shonen Jump by Masashi Kishimoto, celebrating its anniversary today September 21, having premiered in 1999 of the same date. The adventures of Naruto Usumaki have been running for more than twenty-five years and its anime was released later in 2002 by Pierrot studio. Now fans celebrate and enjoy what the franchise has had to offer today.
Naruto celebrates 25th anniversary with special gifts and commemorative video
Recently, the Naruto franchise in all its social networks has begun to give us gifts to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the launching of Naruto in the Shonen Jump. First, it gives us a magnificent video showing the journey of the series from its first chapter to the endings. This with some music in the background as a nostalgic touch that brings a smile to the faces of fans of the title since its beginnings.
On the other hand, in official social networks of Naruto, we are shown that on their official website, that it is free to watch one of the most beloved one-shot of the series. Not only this, but they are also asking fans and followers to participate in a raffle of exclusive merchandise of the franchise. From acrylics to digital prizes that will be given away on the raffle page.
There are still things to be published, the work of Mr. Masashi Kishimoto deserves an ovation for creating a title that for 25 years has inspired dozens of works, games and artists. We can see that influence within social networks, as users exclaim that Naruto is an example to follow, which gives them that push to continue advancing through their story of overcoming in manga. Speaking of Kishimoto’s manga, this recently achieved a record by being one of his copies sold for an exorbitant sum of money to a collector of these Japanese comics, this we have detailed in this note of our page.
Let’s celebrate this anniversary with the best moments we can remember from Naruto, some manga, figure or merch you have. Series like One Piece or Dragon Ball are also old acquaintances that celebrate their exploits, Bleach is Naruto’s brother for being one of the Big Three as well and both have had some impressive events that have made their works a work of art. Let’s just wait to see what is announced next from the hands of the franchise’s social networks and allies.
The story of Naruto and his adventures we know, since his beginnings as a poor boy without family that, by society, has been called Monster by a curse that he possesses. Naruto has grown up as a rebellious boy who does not know the love of friends or family. This has not stopped our little friend, who wants to become Hokage, wanting to participate in the ninja exams, thus starting a path that would mark the lives of many fans around the world.
In this adventure to become Hokage, Naruto meets characters such as Sasuke Uchiha, his eternal rival, Sakura Ino, the girl who is in love with Sasuke and who has constantly rejected him by denigrating him, but they are still classmates. Kakashi Hatake is his favorite teacher. Relevant characters like Gaara, who at first no one understands, but it is Naruto who knows their mutual resemblance of having a curse since he was born. Other characters like Neji or Hinata, the latter being the love of our Ninja for the next few years.
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