
Nagatoro-san and Senpai roles reversed in illustration

A few days ago the manga written and illustrated by nanashi called “Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san” (Don’t Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro) ended its story after 7 years of publication, an ending that obviously caused many reactions of nostalgia and gratitude towards the author, among the fans in the different social networks, as well as the fact that it was not exempt of some controversy.

To remember what this work left us, several fans commemorated its end with some illustrations made by themselves where they reviewed the most iconic moments of the story and where one or another re-imagined its end. But among them, there was one fan who drew a lot of attention because he shared an illustration where he reversed the roles of the main characters.

Nagatoro-san and senpai swap roles in this curious illustration made by a fan in X!

Ijiranaide Nagatoro San Al Revez

It turns out that through his personal “X” account, the user called “Diosa Mao Bunny Bv” (@jovanisrk) shared an image showing Naoto Hachiōji (senpai) and Hayase Nagatoro, both main characters of “Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san” (Don’t Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro) with their roles “reversed”.

This image recreates the iconic visual of the first season of the anime that adapts the work to this new format, here the difference is that this time the “senpai” shows the attitude and daring, flirtatious personality, as well as a little naughty that characterizes Nagatoro in the work. On the other hand, Nagatoro-san, in this recreation, is a bit shy, frightened and confused, attitudes that the senpai initially shows in the original story.

All this funny and “inverted” scene takes place while we see both characters in the art club where Hayase Nagatoro met the senpai for the first time and where their romantic journey began. A journey full of mischief, misunderstandings, compromising situations, comedy and the occasional moment of drama that captivated many manga and anime fans for more than 7 years.

Una Nagatoro-San De La Vida Real Se Vuelve Viral Por Japón

This interesting illustration that reverses the roles of the main characters of “Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san” (Don’t Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro) became very popular in the social network, as it quickly reached more than 22 thousand “likes”, 1500 “re posts” and almost half a million views, attracting the attention of many fans who gave their opinion and incredibly raised a very curious controversy among some users.

This small discussion centered on the premise that if the original story had consisted of Naoto Hachiōji taking the “bullying” attitudes that Nagatoro-san took with him in the beginning, it would have been quickly “cancelled” in the West due to the “double standard” of a very specific political collective of women. Concluding that they found this new reinterpretation quite funny and “ironic”.

On the other hand, a group of fans mentioned that a story where the “senpai” showed the initiative with Nagatoro-san at the beginning would have been very interesting, as it would have saved several moments and chapters in both the anime and the manga, where “nothing happened”. Finally, several others praised the imagination of (@jovanisrk) who came up with this illustration.

Undoubtedly a rather peculiar image that leaves much to analyze and think about, because as we saw the end of the manga did not leave some people very satisfied, so this illustration provides a more interesting tone to speculate on what could have been. In the meantime, share in the comments your impressions about this image and if you agree that if it had been canon it would have been “cancelled” inside and outside Japan.

«Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-San» (Don'T Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro) Manga Vol 20
