This new anime season has marked the return of “My Hero Academia” (Boku no Hero Academia) with its seventh season. Evidently, this is a reflection of the great popularity enjoyed by Kōhei Horikoshi’s work in Japan and around the world, since its inception its plot that introduces us to a population that has developed incredible powers.
But this is not the only thing in “My Hero Academia”, since its cast of characters, especially its “waifus” is also part of that charm that has earned it many followers. This time Yui Kodai, one of the cutest girls in the series, is brought to life thanks to a series of realistic illustrations generated by Artificial Intelligence (AI) that will undoubtedly please fans and enthusiasts of this technology.
My Hero Academia returns with these fascinating realistic illustrations of “Rule”.
Through Instagram the user called “mysmartarts” presents one of his new works, this time it is a realistic AI version of Yui Koda also known as “Rule” one of the “waifus” of the anime and manga series “My Hero Academia” (Boku no Hero Academia). As we can see in this gallery, the quiet Yui is presented to us wearing her heroine outfit, this consists of a bright red tight-fitting suit, while with thin white lines the curves of Yui’s slender body are acted out. Evidently, this is not all, because this girl in her different poses manages to highlight her attributes in a great way.
A detail that is quite striking in this series of images generated by artificial intelligence is that it manages to convey in a very precise way a bit of her calm and quiet personality that “Rule” shows in all her appearances in “My Hero Academia“. As expected, the background of these images shows us a city very much in line with the plot of this superhero story that for quite some time has managed to captivate millions of fans around the world.
The final touch comes with the facial expressions that Yui gives us in these images, because with a fixed and deep look she manages to captivate all her fans. At the same time, this gallery lets us see how this “AI” image generation technology has become very popular to bring to life our favorite anime girls, giving them that touch of reality that few would have imagined a few years ago. Let us know in the comments section what you think of this new version of Yui Koda, if you liked it and especially what you think of this peculiar twist that is given to the “waifus” today.
In “My Hero Academia“, the plot revolves around how 80 percent of the population has developed mysterious, powerful and strange abilities called “singularities”. As expected, thanks to these abilities some of them have used their abilities to do evil, so a kind of battle of heroes and villains has been formed. It is in this way that we will meet Izuku Midoriya a boy who is part of the small population that does not possess these wonderful abilities.
Sooner rather than later, Midoriya will meet an ancient hero who will offer him the opportunity to possess these incredible abilities that he has watched in awe for so long. This is how he will become known as “Deku” who will be part of the students of the “UA” academy whose mission is to become future heroes who will protect the city and its inhabitants, while dealing with the threats that haunt it.
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