Shinichi Fukuda’s popular romantic comedy manga, “My Dress-Up Darling” (Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru), has surprised its loyal readers by announcing an incredible personal achievement, which consists of having reached the astonishing figure of 10 million copies in circulation.
This news has been announced in the official media of the anime adaptation of the manga My Dress-Up Darling, where it was specified that this extraordinary figure corresponds to the copies of the 12 volumes that the publisher Square Enix has currently published.
To commemorate the impressive milestone of her manga, “My Dress-Up Darling” author Shinichi Fukuda has created a special illustration. In this image, characters Marin Kitagawa and Gojo Wakana are featured, announcing to fans of the series the exciting news that the work has reached an impressive 10 million copies in print.
Author of My Dress-Up Darling celebrates this achievement with special illustration
It is important to note that the compilation volume #12 of the manga “My Dress-Up Darling” was released for sale in different bookstores in Japan last September 25 of this year and the description provided by the store “Amazon Japan“, this volume would cover the chapters where Marin Kitagawa showed her enthusiasm to spend Christmas with Gojo Wakana, while he prepares the cosplay of “Tenmei” for the Winter Comiket.
Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru, also known as My Dress-Up Darling in the West, is a romantic comedy manga written and illustrated by Shinichi Fukuda. The work began publication in January 2018 in Square Enix publisher’s Young Gangan magazine.
On January 8, 2022, the manga “My Dress-Up Darling” released its anime adaptation, which consists of 12 episodes in total. The series was produced by CloverWorks animation studio and directed by Keisuke Shinohara. It is currently available legally on the Crunchyroll platform and has a Latin Spanish dub.
Last September 2022, the TV anime “My Dress-Up Darling” excited all fans of the franchise by announcing the production of a sequel for the series. However, details about this sequel to the “My Dress-Up Darling” anime are currently unknown and, more than a year since that news, there is no sign that new information will be revealed any time soon. For the time being, we recommend keeping an eye on the official media of the franchise to know all the updates that could be released in the future.
The manga and anime “My Dress-Up Darling” is a story that immerses us in the life of Wakana Gojou, a high school student obsessed with the art of making hina dolls, following in his grandfather’s footsteps. While his teenage peers immerse themselves in popular culture, Gojou finds deep happiness in making clothes for his dolls. However, he jealously guards this unique hobby, fearing ridicule if he reveals it.
One day, his life takes an unexpected turn when he meets Marin Kitagawa, an extraordinarily beautiful girl whose confidence and personality contrast with Gojou’s shyness. It seems unthinkable that someone like him, with no close friends, could relate to someone like Kitagawa, who is always surrounded by peers. However, something surprising happens when Kitagawa discovers Gojou’s skill with the sewing machine and, with glee, confesses his own hobby: cosplay. Since Kitagawa’s sewing skills are pitiful, he decides to ask Gojou for help.
As they work together to create cosplay costumes, Gojou and Kitagawa grow closer and closer, despite the differences in their lives and personalities. Through their collaboration, they discover a special friendship that helps them overcome barriers and explore their true passion. “My Dress-Up Darling” immerses us in a world of personal growth, acceptance and the transformative power of love for art. The story teaches us that unexpected connections can change our lives and open us to new horizons of authenticity and happiness.
©福田晋一/SQUARE ENIX·「着せ恋」製作委員会
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