The renowned Japanese company Mios has announced to the public a new collaboration with the popular anime adaptation of the light novel “Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation” (Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu), which will feature the beautiful Roxy Migurdia, the skilled magician of the demon race “Migurd” as one of the main characters.
This incredible news was announced in the official media of the company “Mios” and it was specified that this collaboration will consist in the production of an irresistible dakimakura case that will be inspired by the character Roxy Migurdia. Additionally, the first screenshots of this attractive product have been presented, which will show a Roxy showing her flirtatious side.
Mushoku Tensei’s Roxy Migurdia shows her flirtatious side in attractive product
As some of you may know, the dakimakura sleeves are characterized by presenting an illustration for the front and back side of the product of the waifu selected for the occasion. For this product in question, both illustrations of Roxy Migurdia are presented to us with the uniform of the University of Magic of Ranoa with certain modifications that will highlight the physical attractiveness of Roxy, a detail that will leave fans of the franchise “Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation” more than amazed.
According to the information provided on the official website of the company “Mios“, fans of the captivating Roxy Migurdia will have the opportunity to purchase this attractive product in the course of August this year. Additionally, this dakimakura will be available at a price of 14,300 yen, which is equivalent to approximately 94 U.S. dollars.
Another detail to note about this Roxy Migurdia dakimakura is that it has generous dimensions, with a length of approximately 160 cm and a width of 50 cm. These measures provide ample space that allows the person interested in acquiring this product to wrap up and experience the comfort that this product offers. In addition, thanks to the “Aqua Veil” material that was used in its production, the buyer will enjoy incredible comfort when coming in contact with this product, so you can snuggle up with Roxy without any problem.
Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation chronicles the sad life of a 34-year-old reclusive man who has been going through times where adversity and tragedy have been with him constantly. He desperately seeks a chance to be a hero. However, fate has an unexpected twist in store. After a tragic accident, this man wakes up in a completely different world as Rudeus Greyrat, but not as an adult, but as a newborn baby, welcomed by loving parents.
The amazing thing about this new life is that Rudeus retains all the memories and knowledge of his previous life. With the mind of an adult trapped in the body of a child, Rudeus quickly adapts to his surroundings and displays unprecedented magical talent. With the help of Roxy Migurdia, an exceptional magician who becomes his teacher, he perfects his magical skills.
But Rudeus’ life is not only focused on magic. He learns fencing from his adoptive father, Paul, and forms a deep bond of friendship with Sylphiette, a girl his age. In his second chance at life, Rudeus strives to overcome his traumatic past and forge a future full of possibilities.
As he struggles to make the most of this new opportunity, Rudeus also longs for something that eluded him in his previous life: love. Through this wonderful journey into a fantasy world, we accompany Rudeus on his quest for redemption, self-improvement and, ultimately, the hope of finding a love that was denied him in his previous life.
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