As you all know, some time ago the anime adaptation of the sequel to the famous manga and anime “Nanatsu no Taizai” (The Seven Deadly Sins) was released, called “Mokushiroku no Yonkishi” (The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse). A work that has aroused several reactions, as well as some controversy among fans of the saga and will continue to do so, as we are a week away from seeing its second season in this new round of anime fall 2024.
Given the hype for fans of the upcoming return of the “Nanatsu no Taizai” franchise and the fact that the series has been put back in the spotlight, fans on the social network called “X” have noticed a detail that caused a lot of annoyance for those who are playing the title that follows the adventures of Percival.
Fans of Mokushiroku no Yonkishi have harshly criticized the series game due to omitting a scene full of “richness”!
As you may remember during the second episode of the first season of the series, Percival has started his adventure traveling in a wagon with Donnie and company, eventually this caravan is attacked by a giant monster in the form of a wolf when they have almost reached the destination village.
Percival is injured and he goes to the lake near the village to bathe and heal his wound, it is there where he meets a very attractive “waifu” who was also keeping them company on this trip, this is how a scene begins that to the fans shows a lot of “Boobas” and a good dose of fan service.
It turns out that the game that allows you to follow the story of “Mokushiroku no Yonkishi” (The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse) has been harshly criticized in Japan because this scene has been completely changed, as it now shows the dialogue in a very “crude” way according to fans.
As you can see in the second image, this dialogue between Percival and the “waifu” shows both characters without that “naughty” touch that Japanese fans liked so much, so these same fans were quick to show their discontent on “X” before Twitter, since according to them the game has “ruined” the plot of the series.
Many mentioned that they found it quite strange that this scene was changed, as they argued that normally games allow you to show “more content full of richness” because they are aimed at an older audience. In the same tone there was another fan who mentioned that even the scene presented in the anime was really badly adapted, as in the manga it was even more “naughty”.
Likewise, several others were totally disappointed, as they mentioned that something that characterizes the entire series of “Nanatsu no Taizai” (The Seven Deadly Sins) is that touch of naughty moments and the fact that something was censored or changed from the original work was always something that “subtracted points”.
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