Man married to Miku creates association to support love for waifus

As we had already mentioned, a Japanese man became popular in social networks due to the love he had for the character Hatsune Miku was shown in a big way, he even celebrated a wedding to marry her about 4 years ago, and now he is again a much talked about topic in social networks for his recent project that will be bringing waifu lovers a little closer to them.

Man who married Hatsune Miku founds association

Hatsune Miku

The man who married Hatsune Miku, Akihiko Kondo, lives a normal life with his “wife”, as he comes home from work and greets her as if there was a person, he basically treats Miku as if she was any other human person, and of course in a very special way, simply because his waifu was made a reality, he even commented in an interview that the love he has for her has not changed after a long time.

It may even seem strange to some of us the way Akihiko treats Miku, but according to a survey conducted by the Japan Association for Sex Education, has shown that more than 10% of students have had romantic feelings for non-realistic characters, even among university students the figure was 17.1%, which speaks of a greater tendency in this group of young people, so that people develop feelings for a character is no longer unusual.

Hatsune Miku 2

Obviously, there is still some repression towards these people who show their love for these characters, as Kondo says in an interview, he has been the subject of comments from other people, such as “it’s disgusting” or “you’re sick”, all because Kondo preferred to spend his time with Miku and make her his wife even though she is not a real person.

So Kondo, along with other people who have the same goal, launched the association of Fictosexuality, an organization that seeks to hold meetings with people who are interested in exchanging views and make known their passions so that others can understand why it is not wrong to fall in love with a fictional character and reduce the prejudices that have been generated against them.

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But while he is at the helm of this new association, Kondo does not plan to neglect Miku, the love of his life while seeking to give a place of comfort to people who are going through a bad time in their lives, and why not, perform a wedding or two between people and fictional characters, in order to have a nice memory in the lives of these people without being judged by others.

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