The protagonist of the Metroid saga, the bounty hunter Samus Aran, is seen as one of the most important female characters in the entire video game industry. She had many different versions coming from different installments, of which Metroid Prime is one of the most popular. This Retro Studios title revived the franchise and brought it into the third dimension in the early 2000s. Samus wouldn’t be the icon she is today if it wasn’t for it, so to pay homage to this classic, today we take a look at an amazing new figure of the bounty hunter in her detailed power suit.
Samus Aran comes to the real world, through this epic figure
Dream Studio announced this new scale figure on the Mirai Collectibles site. In this one, we can appreciate the great Samus Aran posing with the power suit she used in Metroid Prime. The pose is dynamic and makes her look like she’s in the middle of a fight, shooting at a voracious creature that crossed her path. But the most striking part of the statue is the meticulous details of the armor. All the components, buttons and textures make it look like a model taken from Metroid Prime. And not from the original Nintendo GameCube version, but it looks like an HD model from Metroid Prime Remastered for Nintendo Switch.
Samus Aran does not come alone, because it also includes other accessories. Like an energy sphere that you can place on her cannon to make it look like she’s shooting AND Dream Sudio confirms that it glows in the dark! It also comes with a detailed stand, which is based on the environment of Tallon IV, the planet Samus explores in Metroid Prime. This may seem like an insignificant thing at first glance, but it adds a ton to the figure because it will make gamers relive their memories of playing this great title. As you will see, the stand comes with mushrooms, plants, leaves, branches and even a small enemy known as Zoomer on the back.
According to Dream Studio, its proportions are: 49 centimeters high, 41 centimeters wide and 35 centimeters deep. This figure represents exclusively Samus Aran inside her power suit. You can’t remove her helmet to see her face or her armor to see her body. That’s just fine, as this is an incredible product that will leave any Metroid Prime fan satisfied. There is no need to show the bounty hunter’s face or body.
The Samus Aran scale figure from Metroid Prime will be priced at 2900 ringgits (Almost $620) and can be pre-ordered on the Mirai Collectibles site from November 17 until December 31. It is estimated to be released in the second quarter of 2024, between April and June. If you are a fan of the character or the franchise and are interested in adding it to your collection, you can access the site through this link.
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