The manga Medalist, created, written and illustrated by Tsuramikada, has announced through official media an anime adaptation. Although the serialization has already been confirmed, there is no defined date for the premiere. With the announcement of the adaptation for television, this would be joining the list of anime related to the world of sports or in this case figure skating, which we know are liked by many otakus for the story that develops.
The manga Medalist will have an anime adaptation soon.
In addition, Tsurumaikada shared an illustration made by himself to celebrate the adaptation of his work to anime. The manga also won first place in the “Next Comic Manga 2022” section. The series ranked 15th in the “Comics recommended by national bookstore employees of 2021” on the Honya Club website.
The series ranked 16th out of 50 nominees in the Next Manga Award of 2021 in the print category. It was also nominated for the award in 2022 and won. The series ranked 30th on Da Vinci magazine’s “Book of the Year” list of 2021. The series ranked 12th in the comics recommended by national bookstore employees of 2022.
Staff Members:
- Director: Yasutaka Yamamoto
- Series Composer/Script: Jukki Hanada
- Character Design: Chinatsu Kameyama
- Production: ENGI
Yasutaka Yamamoto who will be director of Medalist has participated in various anime such as Aharen-san wa Hakarenai, Ao no Exorcist, Jitsu wa watashi wa, Nekopara, Shinryaku!? Ika Musume, Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai kara Kuru Sou desu yo?, Among others, with this, we can appreciate the great works that Yamamoto has done and know that we will have a good production in this anime.
The manga Medalist created, illustrated and written by Tsurumaikada began to be serialized in Kodansha’s Gekkan Afternoon magazine on May 25, 2020 until today, having to date 7 compilation volumes, the next volume will be available on May 23, 2023.
The first volume was officially released on September 23, 2020 and in March 2020 Kodansha USA announced the digital release in English of the manga in North America, currently has 6 volumes in English and is awaiting volume 7.
Synopsis of Medalist:
Michiji Akeura, a young man who has failed as a skater, meets Inori Yui, a girl who admires the world of figure skating. Driven by Nori, who has a hidden obsession, and Tsukasa he accepts himself as a coach. Tsukasa grows as a leader with Inori, who makes his talent blossom. The two who formed a label aim to become a glorious “medalist”!
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