The vast world of anime and manga is surrounded by eminences, we have witnessed how a work has passed from one creator to another and we have also seen the departure of such extraordinary creators that their works have been engraved in the hearts and minds of the public as well as in history itself. Today we will talk a little about those authors whose stories have surprised and enchanted us in the same way.
The Dark Fantasy manga “Berserk” by creator Kentaro Miura
We begin with one of the greats, the work of the creator Kentaro Miura “Berserk” is a manga set in medieval times, this work was left unfinished due to the death of its creator in 2021 by an aortic dissection. This is a clear example of a work that has transcended through different generations, one of the best known and most beloved manga is unfinished.
Hi no Tori also known as “Firebird”.
The work of the creator Tezuka Osamu in 1989, who died of stomach cancer, left incomplete this incredible story with 16 volumes and much to tell, what hurt the most were the words said by its creator before leaving “I beg you, let me work!”, this manga is considered a masterpiece which was carried out over more than 30 years.
School comedy play “Amane Atatameru” remains unfinished
Amane Atatameru is a school comedy manga that came into the hands of creator Sadogawa Jun, unfortunately this was her last work due to her decision to end her life in 2013, as a tribute, Akita Shoten published the last two chapters of Amane Atatameru with the consent of the family members.
The funny story of Shin-chan in Crayon Shin-chan
Crayon Shin-chan or Kureyon Shin-chan is a well-known work, the story of the mischievous 5-year-old Shin-chan at the hands of creator Usui Yoshito is not only remembered for being funny, but also for the tragic death of its author in 2009 caused by a hiking accident.
Highschool of the Dead
One of the works that has hurt fans the most, the Highschool of the Dead manga is as well known as Berserk, the work of the creator Sato Daisuke left his fans devastated when his death was announced in 2017 due to a heart disease. Although the author’s brother is still alive, he has refused to continue the story, as he was only in charge of the illustration for the manga and this work generates a great sense of sadness in him, so it is added to the list of unfinished stories.
The most beloved blue kitten of all “Doraemon”.
Doraemon is a work of the creator Fujiko F. Fujio who died in 1996 due to liver failure, leaving us a beloved work unfinished, leaving it only in 45 volumes. Many of us remember this story because we saw its adaptation to anime on television, the work has also given rise to the production of annual animated feature films and multiple video games for a variety of consoles, as well as different types of merchandise, many artists love this character and upload photos such as on Twitter showing some Doraemon item.
As you can see, some works were mentioned, but they are not the only ones, there is a huge list of stories that have remained unfinished due to the unexpected departure of its creator, his works will remain forever in the memory of his fans, as well as many of them have physical and nowadays digital formats. In some cases collaborators, editors or cartoonists have continued with the works, in their own way they have honored the wonderful stories that were created, they have given us an ending or even expanded the universes of these works.
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