Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete

Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete to have a succulent uncensored screening

Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete, a winter 2024 season premiere that was a sensation, both for its cute, tender and naughty waifus, as well as for its story. This may be another typical magical girl shoujo, but when you start watching it you realize that it basically is… but with an extra twist. Ecchi fans are the ones who have been mainly captivated by this anime and now we will be able to enjoy a totally uncensored screening with the spectacular event they have prepared.

Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete announces uncensored screenings and participation of seiyuus

Mahou Shoujo Ni Akogarete Proyeccion Sin Censura

The announcement was released through the official Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete account on the X/Twitter social network, the post mentions that a special screening of the TV anime will be held to commemorate the climax of the popular TV anime. The screening of the completely uncensored version with an additional talk with 2 seiyuus from the cast of Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete will be held on Sunday, March 17, 2024, at Cinemaart Shinjuku, and tickets are already on sale.

The seiyuus present will be Yuka Aisaka, who plays the role of Locom Musica, and Minami Tsuda, who plays the role of Rubel Blume, who will take the stage to talk about their work in this whimsical anime. The video screening will be “Super Longing ver.”, which will be uncensored. This is the only special screening that can be seen before the BD and DVD release. Tickets went on sale at 9:30pm last Wednesday, March 6.

The Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete event to be held on Sunday, March 17, 2024, will be tentatively scheduled from 5:15 pm to 6:45 pm at the Cinemart Shinjuku in Japan. The event consists of the screening of 3 episodes of Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete completely uncensored, in addition to the participation of Yuka Aisaka and Minami Tsuda. This spectacular event will have a ticket price of 3,000 yen (taxes included).


Online ticket reservations for this event to be held at Cinemart Shinjuku went on sale from 9:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 6 and physical ticket sales at Cinemart Shinjuku will be from 9:15 a.m. on Thursday, March 7 (physical tickets will only be sold if tickets are sold out through online reservation, they will not be sold at the theater window).

This sensual event promises that everyone who attends will definitely leave very satisfied with what their eyes will see, which is why precautions and restrictions are also very detailed for this event. The Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete franchise is kindly asking for the cooperation of those attending this event.

The event organizers mention that please maintain greetings and manners on stage while the episodes are being screened. Under no circumstances will seiyuus be allowed to enter during the stage greeting. Filming and recording with cameras (including mobile cameras) and video at the venue is prohibited. Purchases for resale purposes are strictly prohibited and gifts for special guests will not be accepted.

Mahou Shoujo Ni Akogarete 3

Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete is an anime that has been aired since January 2024, and without a doubt it has offered us an excellent content, ideal for those who enjoy spicy anime with sensual waifus. Its protagonist Utena Hiiragi offers us a perfect combination of lust and tenderness, she admires a group of magical girls who are dedicated to fighting evil; however, she does more with them than just admire them.

This anime is at the top of the season, although the work has existed since 2019 with the publication of the manga, where you can also find wonderful fan service. A work you have to start reading or watching if you like ecchi. Although to be honest, the material provided to us is already quite risqué and leaves almost nothing to the imagination about the waifus, what will be new in the material to be screened this March 17?

