Sad news for those who are enjoying the Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete (Gushing Over Magical Girls) manga, is that, in recent hours, an apology and a warning for the reading community has been presented, as the author Akihiro Ononaka is ill. Being shared by the account “@storiatakeshobo” who shares relevant information of the medium, being the publisher of this and many other works, now bringing us this bad news, are you up to date with the work?
Author of Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete stops work due to health problems
In recent updates on the social network Twitter/X of “@storiatakeshobo”, who are the official publisher of Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete, now present a sad news and is that Ononaka-sensei, author of the work is in a delicate condition where he can not perform his work. It is expected that this pause/cancellation will last for a month to announce the new dates for the next volume of the manga.
Fans have been quick to offer words of encouragement and some interesting comments to the statement: “I hope he recovers soon, he should rest more”, “Shouldn’t mangakas take more care of themselves, I see them always getting sick and I feel it is something to take into account”, “The pause may be a bit tedious, but as long as Ononaka-sensei is well, we must be patient”. Many think that mangakas are continuously getting sick, offering ideas so that mangakas can take care of themselves. Others simply offer their good wishes to the author.
What many of these fans say is not far from reality, since in a few months we have seen how many of the best mangakas of today have had some breaks in their works. Maybe it is because of their constant work, their daily effort. Not only Mahou Shoujo or Akogarete, a clear example of this is Mr. Horikoshi, author of the renowned manga My Hero Academia, who recently had to stop his work for health reasons, something that we have documented in this note of our page.
Given the growing popularity of its anime adaptation, this news may be somewhat disturbing. Mahou shoujo ni Akogarete has had a very strong fame from the moment its synopsis and first chapter reached the world, perhaps its plot so different from what we are used to, but that remains attached to the genre of magical girls (and its fan-service), is what has captivated anime fans.
Our protagonist, Utena Hiragi is a total fan of magical girls, but it is not until a magical being gives her special powers that she achieves her dream… or so it seemed, now as the evil general of the antagonist organization, she must fight against the girls she admired so much, realizing that this admiration is not just to observe, revealing her true reason; inappropriate attitudes that fill her with passion.
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