Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete (Gushing over magical girls) caused quite a stir when its anime adaptation was first released, as it contained a lot of “delicousness” stuff, which for today’s times is something strange to see, but which many fans appreciated because such a series had not been released for quite some time. So it is not surprising that everything related to this series, including merchandise, is becoming quite popular and fans are looking to get it no matter what.
Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete: Magenta Magic catches the eye with daring outfit
On this occasion, Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete fans were pleased with the creation of a figure that will undoubtedly give a lot to talk about, since it is the outfit (if you can call it that) that Magia Magenta uses in chapter 4 to counteract one of Magia Baiser’s attacks, which is quite revealing. Undoubtedly many people will be captivated by the enormous beauty that emanates from this figure that leaves much to the imagination of people, so I would not doubt that it will become very popular.
The Magenta Magic figure was announced in different web pages in which they included several images of how would be the final result behind this incredible figure that fans of Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete will want to acquire at any cost. And it is that the finishes and the small details that can be appreciated in this figure are so incredible that you can see the effort that they did with this product to make it in a way that attracts the public.
As can be seen in the images, Magia Magenta’s figure consists of the outfit from episode four of Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete, in which she uses only heart stickers to cover her “parts” in an effort not to succumb to Magia Baiser’s strategy. From what can be seen, the similarity that this figure has with the character is quite identical to the one shown in the anime, even if we were to measure her proportions we could say that they are very similar to the one shown in the work.
As for her hairstyle, we can see that she is wearing her cute pigtails that show her sweetness and charisma, but that comes to contrast a lot with the revealing outfit that Magia Magenta is wearing without shame. Seeing this, no one would think that she is an innocent magical girl, but someone who is not interested in showing more of herself, so those who do not know anything about Mahou Shoujo or Akogarete might think that the series is about something else.
The details that we find in this product is that it has a height of approximately 24 cm high from the pedestal, so if the way Magenta Magic is shown was not enough, its height will make people love this product. Now with the materials with which this Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete figure is made are of very high quality, which will make it even more striking than other related products.
As for the estimated price of this figure we can find that it is at an approximate $134 USD as reported, which would make many think about acquiring it for what the figure has, but given what is shown the price is justified. This product will be available from May 2025, so there will still be time to buy it, so if you want to buy it will have to wait a while, but to see a character like Magenta in a very embarrassing encounter will be well worth it.
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