When the production of the anime adapting the story of “Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete” was announced, all otaku knew that a work full of ” deliciousness” and lots of whimsy was coming, and it seems that its adaptation has not disappointed the fans at all, as the fact that it is broadcasted without censorship has added points to the series, but with each passing chapter the excitement grows more and more. Today, with the premiere of the third episode of the series and one where we finally see Kiwi aka Leopard, the hype has made the social networks explode.
Kiwi Araga craves otaku in the latest episode of “Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete”!
“Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete is the jewel of the season”, at least that is the feeling of many fans of this magical girl anime with a twist full of “excess of richness” because with the premiere of its third chapter today where we are introduced to the character called “Kiwi Araga” aka Leopard in a series of very naughty and spicy scenes has caused the excitement and hype of much of the community mainly praising 2 scenes where the new girl is the one who steals the sighs of the fans. The first scene we see how Utena arrives at the base of the evil organization “Enormita” meeting for the first time with Leopard and unleashing a confrontation.
We see how “Leopard” claims to Utena his lack of assertiveness, commitment and power in the battle against “Magia Sulfur” and started a fight against her to “avenge” that shame and where we see her transform for the first time in a sequence that has delighted many. During this fight we see how Leopard corners “Magia Baiser” with his strength and while she lies on the ground, Leopard lands on her showing us an angle that has driven fans of “Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete” crazy.
This scene has been praised by fans in various social networks such as Twitter and forums in Japan, where they have catalogued Kiwi’s character as a “very sensual and attractive” girl, they have also praised her extroverted personality that adds an even more spicy touch to her character, some more highlighted the expressions and smiles that Kiwi makes throughout this chapter of “Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete“. Also the later scenes where Leopard gets her “comeuppance” at the hands of Baiser have been applauded by the fans due to their very revealing sequences.
But this does not end here, because there is a very particular scene that has raised even more the excitement of the fans and this is where Kiwi tells Utena how she joined the evil organization “Enormita” in “Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete”. Here we are shown Kiwi browsing social media showing off her adorable figure only to later come across a post by the magical girls of “Three Magic“. This irritates her as she comments that they are stealing her attention, so she devises a new photo to regain the attention of network users.
It is here where we see Kiwi posing in a very provocative way showing her attributes to run into “Vanalita” and join Baiser’s team. This scene of Kiwi in “Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete” has gotten the most comments, as fans have highlighted Kiwi’s design and her daring way of being so daring. Also some fans commented that they couldn’t wait to see more of this girl in the anime, as they assured that delicious things were to come in this fabulous new anime.
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