The anime adaptation of the manga “Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete” (Gushing over Magical Girls) has presented a special surprise that will be of interest to fans of Minakami Sayo, also known as Blue Magic, and is that in its official media announced a collaboration with the Japanese company “WING” which will consist of the production of a 1/7 scale figure that will be inspired by this waifu.
According to the information provided in the official media of the TV anime “Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete“, this new 1/7 scale figure of Minakami Sayo will be based on the “La Verità” transformation of Blue Magic, a version that made its debut in episode #13 of the anime series. Additionally, a promotional image has been presented for this new product that will delight fans of this franchise.
Blue Magic from Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete to dazzle fans in Figurine
It is worth noting that at the moment not much information has been released about this 1/7 scale figure of Blue Magic. However, the official Twitter/X account of the anime “Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete” specified that new updates on the production of this product will be released in the official media of the Japanese company “WING“, so if you are a person interested in acquiring this product, we recommend you to be attentive to the new news that “WING” could give in the near future.
Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete, also known as Gushing Over Magical Girls in the West, is a comedy and mahou shoujo manga that is written and illustrated by “Akihiro Ononaka“. The work began its publication in “Storia Dash” service of “Takeshobo” publishing house since March 2019 and currently, the manga is still in publication at present and has been collected by “Takeshobo” publishing house in 11 volumes.
Thanks to the good reception of the public towards this work by Akihiro Ononaka, in the month of March 2023, the production of an anime series adaptation for the manga Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete was announced.
On January 3 of this year, the manga “Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete” premiered its respective anime adaptation which consisted of a total of 13 episodes. The anime studio Asahi Production was in charge of the production of the series and is currently available legally on the Anime Onegai platform, which is producing an English dub for the anime.
“Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete” introduces us to Hiiragi Utena, a young girl who has always harbored a deep admiration for magical girls and longed to become a heroine who fights against the forces of evil. However, fate has an unexpected twist in store for her when an enigmatic figure approaches her, revealing a latent magical power within her. This revelation, instead of setting her on the path of virtue, leads her to an unexpected destiny: that of becoming a villain.
Despite her steadfast resistance to succumbing to the shadow, Hiiragi finds herself confronted by a group of ruthless magical girls who declare war on her. In the heat of the conflict, she discovers a side of herself she would never have imagined: a penchant for the suffering of others, thus revealing her true sadistic nature.
Thus, “Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete” unravels Hiiragi’s life, now at the head of the villains, in her constant confrontation against the magical girls, satisfying her unquenchable thirst for violence and cruelty. A story that immerses us in a world where the boundaries between good and evil are blurred, and where the destinies of the protagonists are intertwined in a plot full of surprising twists and intense emotions.
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