The anime adaptation of Akihiro Ononaka’s manga, Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete (Gushing over Magical Girls), has excited and surprised all its fans by announcing unexpected news: the production of a second season has been made official.
It is worth mentioning that this announcement was made at a special event held today, which also featured an incredible promotional video for the new installment of the anime Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete.
The anime Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete will have a Second Season
Another detail to note is that the promotional video did not reveal information about a possible release date for the second season of the series. However, it is expected that with the passing of time the respective official media of the anime Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete will reveal new updates on the production of this installment so awaited by fans of the franchise.
Let’s remember that the first season of the anime Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete premiered in Japan last January 3 of this year. The series was aired legally on the Anime Onegai platform under the title “I Love Magical Girls” and has an English dub.
The production team of the anime Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete was as follows: Atsushi Ootsuki and Masato Suzuki were in charge of directing the anime. The animation studio Asahi Production was in charge of the production of the anime. Noboru Kimura was in charge of the scripts, and Tomoki Otaki was in charge of the character design. Yasuharu Takanashi, Akinari Suzuki and Johannes Nilsson were in charge of the soundtrack composition.
Voice Cast Members:
- Fuuka Izumi As Utena Hiiragi
- Misato Fukuen As Venalita
- Aoi Koga As Kiwi Araga
- Kaori Maeda As Haruka Hanabishi
- Shiori Sugiura As Morino Korisu
- Mayuko Kazama As Sayo Minakami
- Misaki Ikeda As Kaoruko Tenkawa
Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete, also known as Gushing Over Magical Girls in the West, is a comedy and mahou shoujo manga that is written and illustrated by “Akihiro Ononaka”. The work began its publication in the “Storia Dash” service of “Takeshobo” publishing house since March 2019 and currently, the manga is still in publication and has been collected by “Takeshobo” publishing house in 11 volumes.
Thanks to the good reception of the public towards this work of Akihiro Ononaka, in the month of March 2023 it was announced the production of an anime series adaptation for the manga Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete.
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