The renowned Japanese company AMNIBUS has unveiled a new and adorable collaboration with the anime adaptation of the light novel “KonoSuba: An Explosion on This Wonderful World!” (Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Bakuen wo!). This new partnership between anime and company will result in the creation of a line of exclusive products inspired by the beloved characters Megumin, Yunyun, Cecily and Komeko.
In addition, through its official website, AMNIBUS has unveiled a promotional image previewing this special event. The collaboration promises to offer fans of the series the opportunity to purchase unique and themed items, fusing the charm of the characters Megumin, Yunyun, Cecily and Komeko with amazing products that will delight the public.
Konosuba! girls show off their adorable side at event
This collaboration between the TV anime KonoSuba: An Explosion on This Wonderful World! and the company “AMNIBUS” is scheduled to begin on December 20th of this year. As previously mentioned, a considerable amount of products have been prepared for this special event that will have the illustrations of the girls from the series printed on them.
Some of the products that will be showcased in this collaboration will be the following: Ppael Tapestry B2, Acrylic Figures, Latá Badges, Acrylic Keychains, special Posters, among other things.
The spin-off light novel “Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Bakuen wo!“, also known as Konosuba: An Explosion on This Wonderful World! is written by Natsume Akatsuki and illustrated by Kurone Mishima. The spin-off began to be published in “The Sneaker Web” of Kadokawa publishing house since July 2014.
The work has a manga adaptation by Kasumi Morino. The manga started to be published on Kadokawa publisher’s Comic Alive website since April 2016.
On April 5 this year, Konosuba: An Explosion on This Wonderful World! premiered its anime adaptation which was composed of a total of 12 episodes. The animation studio Drive is in charge of the production of the series under the direction of Takaomi Kanasaki and Yujiro Abe. The series is legally available on the Crunchyroll platform and has an English dub.
“KonoSuba: An Explosion on This Wonderful World!” dives into the fascinating universe of the Crimson Demon Village, where passionate young mage Megumin seeks to excel in the art of explosion magic. In this remote community of mages with red eyes and a love for the dramatic, Megumin has dedicated her life to perfecting a powerful but impractical spell that leaves her with no mana and no ability to move for the rest of the day.
Accompanied by her childhood friend and self-proclaimed rival, Yunyun, Megumin decides to embark on a new stage of her training by enrolling in the prestigious Red Prison. This academy for Crimson Demon magic users not only offers opportunities to hone magical skills, but also reveals hidden secrets and challenges facing her clan. On this journey, Megumin delves into the rich history of her lineage as she strives to become the most accomplished blaster mage of all time.
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