Magical girls are born from Madoka Magica, Mahou Shoujo this peculiar subgenre that we have seen from the hands of series such as Sailor Moon, Tokyo Meow Meow, Sakura Cardcaptor belongs to this genre because of its similarities. Even in Fate/Kaleid Ilner Primsa Illya there is a plot in the Fate universe where they focus their attention on magical girls. Now, fans are debating on the origin of this and if Madoka Magica is part of it, some claim, others contradict, but what is the origin of the magical girls?
Fans debate who is the origin of Magical girls, pointing to Madoka Magica as one of its pioneers
Fans have recently opened a thread on Twitter/X dedicated to discussing the origins of magical girls and how some say Madoka Magica is their pioneer. Others flatly deny that this is the case by offering alternatives to the origin of the genre that some are unclear about. Recall that the Mahou Shoujo genre is one centered on teenage girls possessing magical powers in an object (variable). Romance and battle transformation effects are part of these, although this is part of the development of the genre.
Fans on networks exclaim, “In Doremi, it’s normal for characters to go through unreasonable situations, or even die… My ideal is not to have unreasonable development, but to be a transformed heroine who actually helps people,” “Tomoyo’s Sakura is iconic, but I think it’s more like a conscious parody of magical girls. Doremi is okay… but I wonder if that style can be called standard…”. They reinforce that there should be a concrete standard for what is called the magical girl genre, not coming to total agreement. “The true standard is offered by Madoka Magica.”
While Madoka Magica is one of the best known and has its few years, many series came before it. Also, if we follow a “stable” genre that keeps the same characteristics that are proposed, it would be very closed. We can see Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete as a recent example of a magical girl anime/manga with a “whimsical” touch that is not usually present in this genre and that, in turn, expands it. Such was the success of the latter, that the renowned Manwha Solo Leveling had no chance against it, something we have explained in detail in this note on our page.
The origin of Mahou Shoujo, according to the history of Japanese animation, dates back to the 50’s, Ribon no Kishi by Osamu Tezuka, which fits perfectly into the criteria of the genre. Then HImitsu no Akko-chan (1962) who would continue the genre slowly forging it into what we know today. Sally, the witch, adaptation of those years and would continue with other series that gave power to the genre until Sailor Moon arrived and gave a more youthful and renewed face to the genre. So if we look carefully, Madoka Magica is not among the pioneers of this genre.
Undoubtedly, Madoka Magica is one of the best Mahou Shoujo we have been able to see, besides having new things that had not been contemplated in the genre. Therefore, we must understand that it was part of the development of the genre, but not of the pioneers who built the name of magical girls from scratch. Brightness, youthful romances, very catchy openings; battles and emotional moments; unnecessarily long transformations; surprising plot twists, the magical girl genre currently has such a wide spectrum that it can surprise us with childish and tender plots, as well as cruel and sad ones.
©Magica Quartet/Aniplex,WR
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