In Japan, feminist says anime fans are criminals

By now every fan of this industry will know that in Japan the feminist collective has blamed “otaku”, be it anime, manga, any hobby in general, for being the root of the problems that some women experience in modern Japanese society. While this is highly debatable, here we have informed our readers about some of this group’s remarks to fans and this time in X before Twitter a new controversy has outraged fans due to a new remarks towards them.

Again, the otaku community is attacked in Japan by a feminist girl on social networks!

En Japon Feminista Afirma Que Los Fans Del Anime Son Criminales

In the Japanese forum “Otakomu” a post has caused much outrage among Japanese fans, as it opens debate about a recent post on X of an apparently feminist girl charging against otaku calling them criminals and potential aggressors. The post reads, “Otakus commit so many crimes that it would be unreasonable to claim that they are not potential criminals. In fact, they are still treated as “reservists” (Japan Self-Defense Forces). Under normal circumstances they should be treated as a criminal who has not committed any crime yet.”

Additionally, in the second post I also state that many Japanese children nowadays tend to call themselves as “otaku” without knowing the negative connotations that this term has and that this is also dangerous, as she thinks that otaku are “potential aggressors“. Evidently, many anime fans and the general public were outraged both in the original post and in the forum, as they began to refute her claims as false and discriminatory.

En Japon Feminista Afirma Que Los Fans Del Anime Son Criminales 1 Scaled

Fans first said that this user was lying, as she did not show any statistical support for her first statement in which she said that otaku committed more crimes than the non-otaku population, so many fans considered this as a clear discrimination towards a community. At this point, many also alleged the double standards of “these people” as it was “unbelievable” that someone who considered himself “anti-discrimination” in his profile, had no restraint in discriminating against someone for being “otaku” on social networks.

On the second point, fans and the general public also criticized this user for dictating what is right and wrong about an infant’s ability to call themselves “otaku“. For that old image of obnoxious and annoying fans was old and outdated, as many of them knew otaku or considered themselves otaku not only of anime, but of many other hobbies and were “productive and correct” members of society in Japan.

Finally, many fans considered that this type of people had a very disturbing tendency to discriminate against many social groups and this only showed a double face and morality, as they themselves did not comply with the principles that they so much boast of following or defending. It seems that this confrontation that has a group of political collectives against anime or manga fans is far from over. So tell us in the comments what you think about this new controversy in networks.

Chained Soldier Mato Seihei No Slave Himari Azuma Molesta En Japon Feminista Afirma Que Los Fans Del Anime Son Criminales