Anime is a worldwide phenomenon that has expanded like few others, but in its country of origin, Japan, it is still very popular, reaching people of all ages thanks to the wide variety of options that can be enjoyed. And now, from a recognized forum of this country, a curious graph was presented that shows how the younger audience is the one that consumes more this type of stories with surprising numbers.
In Japan, children watch anime on a daily basis, demonstrating the impact of anime on today’s society.
In a recent statistic published by forums in Japan, a certain user offers us information about the consumption of anime series among high school kids in Japan. The surprise comes when between the variants of the result and the days that the series are consumed, daily consumption predominates with 37.1%, although this does not feel like something exclusive to the Japanese country.
Users have not been slow to offer their opinion from different perspectives: “Before they chased anime fans, now we do surveys of their popularity or groups”, “Watching anime series, now makes you a fan directly, is it now that way?”, “High school kids are lucky, they have more time to enjoy the series”. They agree that nowadays, the activity of watching series is more common in the world, these animated series are seen as something of the day to day, so everyone can enjoy them.
Another relevant fact to know from this statistic is that 90% of high school students watch anime at least once a month, thus providing an advance compared to previous years, where despite being Japan, there was not so much incidence in the world of anime. Something that we have also analyzed, is the success of the industry in recent years, offering as a reality that this has become a worldwide phenomenon, something that we have demonstrated in this note of our page.
In this decade it is not unreasonable to say that Japan is not the only one that has progressed in the expansion of the medium, but in the West the manga, merchandise, cosplay has already taken a boom even in smaller countries. It is still little compared to the Nippon country, but it is a big leap for the previous decade, where it was considered heresy on the part of the general public, now with the great Live-Actions in places like Netflix, Amazon Prime, Star+ and among others, have provided visibility to the medium.
Animated series are seen by the entire public today, before they were considered exclusive series for adults, which had an extreme limit where this great world created by studios and mangakas was something exclusive to rare people. These numbers we have seen, the advancement of the environment that we love so much has expanded to such an extent that it is the main attraction for kids in their day to day life. If you want to take a look you can check all the data in the forum, in this link.
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