The anime adaptation of the light novel Hitoribocchi no Isekai Kouryaku (Loner Life in Another World) has provided the public with new information about its upcoming arrival on Japanese television and in their respective official media, its premiere was confirmed for October 3 of this year. In addition, a new promotional video has also been revealed.
Hitoribocchi no Isekai Kouryaku to Premiere on October 3rd
Something to note is that the promotional video presents a preview of the main musical themes of the anime Hitoribocchi no Isekai Kouryaku. The opening will be performed by Yoshino and will be titled “ODD NUMBER”, while the closing theme will be performed by Kujiragi and will be titled “Hello to Goodbye”.
However, that’s not all, as the official website of the anime Hitoribocchi no Isekai Kouryaku also presented a new visual image for the series and new voice cast members.
El equipo de producción del anime Hitoribocchi no Isekai Kouryaku es el siguiente: Akio Kazumi será el encargado de la dirección. Los estudios de animación Passione y Hayabusa Film se encargan de la producción del anime. La composición de la serie estará a cargo de Kenta Ihara. Los diseños de personajes tendrán a Keiya Nakano como su responsable.
The production team of the anime Hitoribocchi no Isekai Kouryaku is as follows: Akio Kazumi will be in charge of directing. Passione Animation Studios and Hayabusa Film are in charge of the production of the anime. The series will be composed by Kenta Ihara. Keiya Nakano will be in charge of the character designs.
Voice Cast Members:
- Shuuichirou Umeda As Haruka
- Haruka Shiraishi As Rep Class
- Hina Suguta As Gal Leader
- Maria Sashide As Nudist Girl
- Kyouhei Natsume As Nerd A
- Saori Hayami As Angelica
- Shouta Hayama As Tanaka
- Aguri Onishi As Merielle
- Shohei Yamaguchi As Gatek
- Atsushi Imaruoka As Ofter
- Tetsu Inada As Guild Boss
Hitoribocchi no Isekai Kouryaku, also known as Loner Life in Another World in the West, is an isekai light novel that is written by Shouji Gouji and illustrated by Boooota (Vol 1-2) and Saku Enokimaru (Current). The novel began publication in Overlap Bunko imprint of Overlap Publishing House in the month of January 2018. Currently, the work is still in serialization and Overlap Publishing has released a total of 14 volumes.
The work has a manga adaptation that began publication in January 2019 through Overlap Publishing’s Comic Gardo service. The manga adaptation of Hitoribocchi no Isekai Kouryaku is illustrated by Bibi and a total of 19 compilation volumes have been released.
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