Heavenly Delusion

Heavenly Delusion ch. 70: The Terrifying Truth Behind the Hirukos

Chapter 70 of Heavenly Delusion reveals a shocking truth about the Hirukos, the fearsome monsters that haunt the outside world. Through new revelations, the story confirms the terrifying fate of the children raised in the laboratories, unraveling the process behind their transformation. This revelation completely changes the understanding of the experiment and raises new questions about the true purpose of the academy.

Heavenly Delusion chapter70: The dark origins of the Hirukos uncovered

Tengoku Daimakyou


Chapter 70 of Heavenly Delusion has finally answered one of the biggest mysteries of the series: why do children raised in the school end up turning into the dreaded Hirukos? The shocking revelation confirms that this transformation is not an accident or an unknown disease, but the result of a premeditated experiment.

In this chapter, the headmistress, now in a new body, returns to the school premises only to find them in ruins. However, she discovers that one of Meena’s terminals is still functioning. Confronted by the artificial intelligence, the headmistress seeks answers about the mysterious disease that causes children to transform into Hirukos after their death. It is then that Meena confesses the terrifying truth: she created the children for this purpose all along.

Capitulo 70 De Tengoku Daimakyou Revelou Origem Dos Hirukos 2 1

Meena explains that she “gave birth” to these children with the knowledge that many of them would die before reaching maturity as Hirukos. From her perspective, she represents the evolution of humanity, while ordinary humans are simply relics of the past. To mark the difference between the two species, Meena christened her creations “Hiruko,” considering them the new race that will eventually rule the Earth.

Throughout the series, the school has maintained a controlled environment where children develop special abilities and grow up in a seemingly safe environment. However, in this chapter it is confirmed that Meena actively manipulated their development to ensure the perpetuation of her species. To this end:

  • It awakened children’s instincts.
  • He encouraged them to form romantic relationships.
  • He pushed them out of school so that they could reproduce and spread to the outside world.

From Meena’s perspective, the moment a child dies and transforms into a Hiruko is not a tragedy, but a natural step in its “maturation”. According to her, Hirukos do not need emotions, as these are unnecessary for their evolution.

Heavenly Delusion

The most chilling revelation comes when Meena explains the concept of “Heaven” (天国, Tengoku). According to her vision, this is the new world where the Hirukos will live as the evolved form of humanity, while traditional humans will only exist to serve as food for them.

The director, horrified by this vision, responds with a line that gives meaning to the title of the series: “What part of this is supposed to be Paradise? This is nothing but Hell… IT IS DAIMAKYOU.”

Tengoku Daimakyou 6

Here the true intention behind the Japanese title of the series known as: Heavenly Delusion, in Japanese Tengoku Daimakyou (天国大魔境), which can be translated as “Paradise where demons reside”, is revealed. This reinforces the central contradiction of the story: a world that is presented as a utopian paradise, but is actually a hell in disguise.

With this new information, the mystery of the Hirukos has finally been solved, but it leaves open many questions about the future of the protagonists and the fate of humanity. Heavenly Delusion continues to surprise with its haunting narrative and its exploration of themes such as evolution, morality and the meaning of humanity. Undoubtedly, Chapter 70 marks a turning point in the story and promises great revelations in the coming episodes.

Tengoku Daimakyou - Imagen Visual
