Apparently, the new special of the TV anime Go-Toubun no Hanayome (The Quintessential Quintuplets), titled Go-Toubun no Hanayome* (The Quintessential Quintuplets Special 2), is being well received by Japanese audiences and not only confirmed the extension of the special’s screenings in theaters in Japan due to the high demand from the public, but also shared a new promotional video that presents a glimpse of the protagonist Fuutarou Uesugi’s “Honeymoon” with the Quintuplets in Hawaii.
Go-Toubun no Hanayome shows new glimpse of the quintuplets in Trailer
As previously mentioned, the new anime special Go-Toubun no Hanayome will focus on narrating Fuutarou Uesugi’s honeymoon with the Nakano sisters. In addition, this anime will have an original story that is written by Negi Haruba, the author of the original hit manga.
Let’s remember that Go-Toubun no Hanayome* was released in theaters in Japan last September 20, with a 3-week screening period. However, thanks to the enormous support that the special has received from the public, it was decided to extend the screenings.
As a reminder, the new anime special Go-Toubun no Hanayome made its theatrical release in Japan on September 20. The production team is as follows: Masato Jinbo will be in charge of directing. Bibury Animation Studio will be in charge of the production of the anime. Negi Haruba is credited as one of the scriptwriters along with Masato Jinbo. Character designs will be handled by Masato Katsumata.
The new Go-Toubun no Hanayome anime has the following description:
Although they each achieved their dreams and went their own ways, they seem to be dragging some worries… In the midst of all this, Futaro and the quintuplets plan a trip to Hawaii to serve as their honeymoon. Just when the preparations were going perfectly, an incident occurs that causes a major panic and even in Hawaii, their honeymoon destination, they get into trouble….A 500% adorable quintuplets romantic comedy, the honeymoon edition!
The highly anticipated honeymoon episode, based on an original concept by Negi Haruba and under his complete supervision, comes to life on screen. We bring you the daily life of Futaro and the quintuplets as adults. Futaro, who successfully guided the academically challenged and study-averse quintuplets as their part-time tutor until their “graduation”.
Facts about Go-Toubun no Hanayome:
Go-Toubun no Hanayome, also known as “The Quintessential Quintuplets” in the West, is a romantic comedy manga created by Negi Haruba. The manga began publication in Kodansha’s Shuukan Shonen Magazine in August 2017, reaching its end in February 2020. In addition, Kodansha Publishing has released a total of 14 compilation volumes, including a special volume numbered 14.5.
The anime adaptation of the manga “Go-Toubun no Hanayome” premiered in Japan on January 10, 2019. This adaptation consisted of 2 seasons, totaling 24 episodes and included a movie titled “Eiga Go-Toubun no Hanayome” and a special episode produced by SHAFT animation studio.
It is important to mention that the first season was produced by the animation studio Tezuka Productions, while the second season experienced a change of studio, being produced by Bibury Animation Studios. The series was aired legally and simultaneously in America through the Crunchyroll platform, and has a English dubbing.
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