Fate/Stay Night is one of the most popular franchises worldwide. It was originally released in Japan in 2004, as a visual novel developed by the company Type-Moon. From then on, nothing but success awaited it. So much so, that shortly after its first release, it was followed by a second one and even several adaptations in formats such as manga, but without a doubt the anime was the one that boosted it even more.
Fate/Stay Night turns 20
There is no doubt that the plot of Fate was what caught the players since the first installment. They were so amazed with this dark fantasy that envelops us in a world of fantasy and adventures where magic allows some users to become masters with the ability to invoke a heroic and powerful spirit with which they will fight with others to get the Holy Grail.
This wonderful story has a particular charm, among these servants or spirits we can find very curious characters, as they are clearly referenced to mythical and historical characters, but of course, in this universe they have obvious changes such as gender and of course, each has its personality and design. And we can not fail to mention its wide variety of waifus, which are not only strong but also very cute.
Well, we have to say that these elements of Fate have been its best attraction, and not only that; for many fans this has been so significant that it has even helped them in their studies, as if they were history classes, if you want to know more about these stories where the game “saved” many students, including difficult tests.
Fate has made history in the video game industry. Considering that next January 30 will be its twentieth anniversary, through its official Twitter account the company Type-Moon shared exciting news for its followers, because to commemorate these two decades, a special broadcast has been announced.
As a celebration, a broadcast has been prepared through the YouTube channel of the video game developer, with a wonderful cast in which the following seiyuus will participate: Noriaki Sugiyama, Ayako Kawasumi, Kana Ueda, Noriko Shimoya. The date is set for next Tuesday at 21:00 Japan time, taking into account the time difference, we recommend you to turn on notifications.
This has generated many expectations in Fate fans, some have been taken by surprise due to the short notice of this event, others have mentioned the excitement and happiness that this news causes them, and others expect an important announcement during the broadcast. In ANMO Sugoi we will be aware of this and other news, so we invite you to follow us to know them.
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