Stellar Blade

EVE by Stellar Blade amazes with a fantastic new figure

Stellar Blade is just a few days away from being released worldwide, and thanks to the community of players who are already excited thanks to the game’s demo released for the PlayStation 5 console, we are sure that the sales of this title will be incredible. However, before the game has its triumphant debut, the beautiful EVE has come to visit our world to let us see her beauty shine in all its splendor thanks to this incredible figure.

Stellar Blade will soon be in our hands and the beautiful EVE visits us in advance in this incredible figure.


The figure presents from the beginning a lot of details that leave many with their mouths open, just like when we tested the demo of Stellar Blade, because we see that the girl’s clothes, her hair, accessories, everything, absolutely everything in this figure has an incredible level of detail.

If we start by looking at the details of her outfit, we will see that the color palette they used was white along with light blue details that stand out on her shoulders. However, also the transparent sleeves of her blouse show us that they didn’t want to let her figure be overshadowed by her own clothes, remember that in the Stellar Blade game what draws attention are the costumes worn by the girls.

The visual details on the front of her clothing, such as the black detail of her blouse, are quite fascinating as they are details that are large enough for the viewer to quickly realize what the girl has. In addition, if we go to the section of her arms, we will see that they have a kind of rhombus which unites a sequence that stands out for being in a very striking blue color.

In addition, the detail that has her hair is undoubtedly something impeccable, because we see that the girl not only carries her characteristic weapon, but also has those accessories that in one way or another are very reminiscent of weapon grips, something quite peculiar within Stellar Blade honestly.


Let’s remember that this figure is based on the model of the girl we had the honor to play in the Demo, so in the future we hope to see EVE of Stellar Blade in many more outfits. And undoubtedly also for all Hack-and-slash fans, having a new member for the history of video games is certainly an honor that all lovers of this type of games will certainly have no objection in granting her.

The details of this girl are incredible, both in the game and out of it, because if we pay attention, not only the front of EVE is the most eye-catching. Although all of us who played the demo know that the most striking part is in the camera on the shoulder, but that these details have been copied to perfection in real life.

It is something wonderful, and as a sample, we see how the back of EVE has been carefully designed in this figure, because just as Stellar Blade has been designed with a love for video games, this figure has been created with love for the fans that from April 26 will be part of a new community of Stellar Blade. Undoubtedly, a very successful bet when it comes to recreate a character of a video game, no doubt this will be the figure that will steal the looks of all those who see your collection.

This figure is a 1/4 scale, so its approximate height will be between 36 to 50 cm, will have a presale price of $ 434 dollars if you pay in full, but if you want to pay the minimum amount to reserve it, it will cost $ 59 dollars. Its release date is between July 2024 to December 2024, so there is still time to reserve it, but you must be quick, because once the game comes out, be sure that this figure will be the most sought after in the market.

Figura De Eve De Stellar Blade Portada

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